iTSSe TSS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 2 2 4 7 iTSSe TSS POROUS APS YSZ TBC MANUFACTURED AT HIGH POWDER FEED RATE (100 g/min) AND DEPOSITION EFFICIENCY (70%): MICROSTRUCTURE, BOND STRENGTH, AND THERMAL GRADIENTS Rogerio S. Lima There is a strongdriving force to improve theproduction efficiency of thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) manufactured via air plasma spray (APS). To address this need, the high- enthalpy APS torch Axial III Plus was employed to successfully manufacture TBCs by spraying a commercial YSZ feedstock at powder feed rate of 100 g/min using an optimized set of N2/H2 spray parameters, which yielded an impressive YSZ deposition efficiency (DE) value of 70%. This exact same set of optimized spray parameters was used to manufacture the same identical YSZ TBC (over ~160 µm-thick bond-coated substrates) but at two distinct YSZ thickness levels: (i) ~420 µm-thick and (ii) ~930 µm-thick. (Fig. 1). The Journal of Thermal Spray Technology (JTST), the official journal of the ASM Thermal Spray Society, publishes contributions on all aspects—fundamental and practical—of thermal spray science, including processes, feedstock manufacture, testing, and characterization. As the primary vehicle for thermal spray information transfer, its mission is to synergize the rapidly advancing thermal spray industry and related industries by presenting research and development efforts leading to advancements in implementable engineering applications of the technology. Articles from recent issues, as selected by JTST Editor-in-Chief Armelle Vardelle, are highlighted here. In addition to the print publication, JTST is available online through For more information, visit tss. EFFECT OF METALLIC INTERLAYER HARDNESS ON DEPOSITION CHARACTERISTICS OF COLD-SPRAYED COPPER PARTICLES ON CARBON FIBERREINFORCED POLYMERS Panteha Fallah, Rohan Chakrabarty, Jun Song, André McDonald, and Stephen Yue Copper (Cu) has been successfully cold spray deposited on carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) by a hybrid fabrication process. In this study, the feasibility of Cu coating build-up on a Cu electroplated CFRP under a process with two-step gas pressures was investigated numerically and experimentally. The deformation and deposition behavior of the Cu particles on CFRPs coated with tin (Sn), nickel (Ni), and Cu were studied by comparing the single-particle impact with thick coating fabrication. The deposition efficiency (DE) of the cold-sprayed coatings was measured, and the microstructure and microhardness of the coatings were evaluated. (Fig. 2). Fig. 1 — Experimental procedure equipment: the overall view of the NRC’s thermal gradient laser rig. Fig. 2 — SEM image of the feedstock powder Cu. 10 JTST HIGHLIGHTS 13