iTSSe TSS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 2 2 3 7 iTSSe TSS SOCIETY NEWS TSS ANNOUNCES THE 2022 HALL OF FAME RECIPIENTS The ASM Thermal Spray Society (TSS) is pleased to welcome the following 2022 honorees into the TSS Hall of Fame: Heiko Gruner, Neil Matthews, and Subramaniam Rangaswamy. Dr. Heiko Gruner was born in 1942 in Stuttgart, Germany, and graduated with a Ph.D. in applied physics from the University of Tubingen, Germany, in 1972. He first joined Plasma Technik AG, Wohlen, Switzerland, as general manager VPS (vacuum plasma spray) and was the principal developer of the technology with extensive contribution to the equipment, processes, and applications. As founder and director of Medicoat AG, Gruner’s specific goal was to produce coatings for implants using vacuum plasma spraying of porous titanium with hydroxyapatite (Ti/HA) as VPS provided unique advantages to coating properties and introduction. VPS-sprayed implants became the gold standard for cementless surgery allowing millions of patients to profit from larger-lasting implants. His work in Europe revolved around GTS, the German thermal spray society; and SSB, the Swiss Society of Biocompatible Materials. Most notably, he was engaged in promoting thermal spray to the biomedical community. Gruner has over fifteen patents submitted, frequently publishes academic papers, and has received several awards including René Wasserman Award, Fraunhofer Institute IPAAward Die Oberfläche 2014 for Innovative Application of Surface Technologic (Coated Joint Replacement Implant out of Ceramic with VPS-Coatings). His citation reads: “Heiko Gruner has contributed to sustained innovations in thermal spray through four decades of dedicated research, development, commercialization, and multimillion-dollar worldwide market deployment of vacuum plasma sprayed medical implant coatings.” Neil Matthews is the senior manager for Additive Technologies and is also head of Design Organisation as delegated by the Australian Aviation Safety Authority Defence (DASA). He has been employed in a range of engineering and operations roles before becoming the business lead and technical advisor for Additive Technologies. Matthews has an aeronautical engineering degree from RMIT University and a masters of aircraft design from Cranfield University (England). For over 50 years, he has dedicated his career to military aircraft engineering, serving as an Air Force officer before moving into the commercial and military aviation industry. Since 2004, Matthews has pioneered and revolutionized the use of additive technologies for component repair, in particular supersonic particle deposition (SPD) and more recently laser additive deposition (LAD). He has worked closely with the Australian Department of Defence, as well as Australian and international research and academic institutions such as RMIT University, Swinburne University, Monash University, and the U.S. Army Research Laboratories to develop, certify, and commercialize additive technology repair solutions for the restoration and enhancement of aerospace metal components and structures. Matthews holds worldwide patents for additive repair technology applications. Matthews is recognized for “leadership in the adoption of advanced thermal spray manufacturing in the area of aerospace component repair technologies that has led to efficiency and economic outcomes.” Dr. Subramaniam Rangaswamy was born in India and completed his bachelor’s degree in metallurgical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology in Kharagpur before moving to the U.S. for graduate studies. He earned an M.S. and Ph.D. in materials science from SUNY at Stonybrook. At Stonybrook, he was mentored by Prof. Herbert Herman, a pioneer and inaugural ASM TSS-HOF recipient. Rangaswamy joined Metco (a division of Perkin Elmer) in 1980. There he was responsible for the development of several patented advanced materials including ternary TBCs, HT clad self-bonding composites, and microcrystalline alloys. In 1988, he joined Sulzer Plasma Technik in Michigan where he led the development of new high temperature abradable powders and coatings for gas turbine applications. In 1996, he joined Wall Colmonoy Corp. where he was responsible for the development and management of nickel/cobalt base hard facing alloys and braze products. After returning to Sulzer Metco in 2004, until his retirement in 2018, Rangaswamy managed Oerlikon’s thermal spray metals and alloys portfolio. He is inventor/co-inventor of 22 U.S. patents with numerous foreign derivatives for the thermal spray industry. Rangaswamy is recognized “for exceptional service to the TS industry through innovations in ternary TBCs, HT abradables, self-bonding composites, microcrystalline alloys, and unique attrition milled powder manufacturing processes. Also, for educating, training, and mentoring many TS professionals for nearly 40 years.” Gruner Matthews Rangaswamy 3