
HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | M A Y / J U N E 2 0 2 2 5 7 the invitation of chapter vice chair Thomas Wingens, and member Nisrit Pandey. There was so much energy in that room! The first week in May, attended my first international event organized by ASM International, in partnership with the German Welding Society (DVS), ITSC 2022 in Vienna, and I joined the Thermal Spray Society (TSS) for their Board meeting. In mid-May as I write this, I’m gearing up for the SMST 2022 show in San Diego. The third leg ofmy framework, Financials, I approached almost immediately by working with our volunteer and executive staff leadership to prepare the 2022 Annual OperMcDonald and Lundy attended Master Teacher Training at ASM Headquarters, April 23-24. FROM THE FOUNDATION ating Plan for review and approval by the Board of Trustees in mid-January. I met with chairs of the Finance and Investment Committees to better understand our financial position from their points of view, and I monitor our monthly financials with our Chief Financial Officer and our Board Officers. ASM International is very strong financially, and at the same time, we are facing financial pressures brought on by the pandemic, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and by the supply chain and economic disruptions that are a result. These pressures are part of the dynamic landscape of today’s world, they are inevitable, and faced by people and organizations globally. These pressures have been building for some time, and they played a crucial factor in my decision to come to ASM International to serve as executive director: We are on a strategically sound pathway to grow our digital services, including the Data Ecosystem, a gateway to serving materials scientists, and those needing materials solutions, worldwide. I am committed to continuing to develop the financial plan to success. Over the next few months, the Board and I will work on updating our strategic plan and clarifying priorities for our journey ahead. I look forward to welcoming the new Officers and Board Trustees, who you can read about in this issue, and to meeting more of you as I continue my travels and outreach. Sending best wishes from the Dome. Sandy Robert, CAE Executive Director, ASM International TSS board meeting in Vienna (from le ), back row: Komal Laul, Thomas Klassen, Robert Vassen, Daniel Tejero Martin, and Daniel Sordelet; front row: Rogerio Lima, Sandy Robert, Kelly Thomas, Bill Lenling, André McDonald, and Ryan Milosh. Others joined the meeting virtually. FROM THE FOUNDATION Master Teachers in the Making Teachers have experienced quite a roller coaster ride since March 2020. Those of us working as Master Teachers through the ASM Materials Education Foundation are really looking forward to returning to in-person Materials Camps this summer. There is nothing like the excitement teachers feel when they learn to do those new labs and see how they can engage their students in new ways. This year is particularly special for me, after being a Master Teacher for more than 10 years. One of my former students, now a colleague, is training to become a Master Teacher. Two years ago, I accepted a new position in my school district as an instructional coach to other teachers, making use of my experience teaching teachers. Leaving my materials science class was easier knowing that my former chemistry student was now a chemistry teacher and would take over the materials science classes. After teaching materials science for four years and attending the ASM Materials Camp, Matt Lundy is now training to become a Master Teacher himself. I am so thrilled to be able to see this process cascade down. In addition, we now have a student who is looking forward to being a chemistry teacher in the future—another Master Teacher in the making! The ASM Materials Camp program has changed my teaching, my career, and impacted my students in many ways. I will continue to do my part to provide that positive impact on other teachers. Thank you for your assistance in continuing this program so that many more teachers—and ultimately our students—can benefit. Gissel McDonald ASM Master Teacher ASM Materials Education Foundation