
49 ASM NEWS The latest news about ASM members, chapters, events, awards, conferences, affiliates, and other Society activities. DEVELOPING SUSTAINABLE COMPOSITES FOR AUTOMOTIVE APPLICATIONS Sabah Javaid and Surojit Gupta Automotive manufacturers are making significant investments in the design and development of bioplastics and biocomposites-based components. 14 A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | M A Y / J U N E 2 0 2 2 2 Substituting biomass for fossil fuel-based precursors in plastics manufacturing holds promise for achieving sustainability goals. Courtesy of Dreamstime/Candy1812. On the Cover: 64 3D PRINTSHOP Researchers are looking at ways to improve additive manufacturing processes by controlling heat and modifying inks. 27 AEROMAT 2022 SUMMARY Jeff Grabowski and Eli Ross AeroMat’s successful return to inperson meetings featured keynotes and programming on next-generation materials, and for the first time, was colocated with AeroTech.