
HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | M A Y / J U N E 2 0 2 2 5 2 He has received several awards including the Jules Stachiewicz Medal from the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering for heat transfer, Fellow of The Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, Fellow of ASM, Fellow of The Institution of Mechanical Engineers, the Mentorship Award from the Faculty of Engineering (University of Alberta), and the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta’s Early Accomplishment Award. He holds Professional Engineer licenses in Canada (Alberta) and the United States (California) and is a registered Chartered Engineer in the United Kingdom. McDonald was chair of the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council Scholarships and Fellowships Selection Committee – Civil and Mechanical Engineering and is currently the lead editor of the Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, chair of the Canadian Cold Spray Alliance, and immediate past president of the ASM Thermal Spray Society board. He currently leads the Experiential Learning in Innovation, Technology, and Entrepreneurship Program for Black Youth. LECTURERS ANNOUNCED ASM is excited to announce in-person lectures are back for 2022. This year’s lineup includes presentation of the Alpha Sigma Mu Lecture and the 2020 and 2022 Edward DeMille Campbell Memorial Lectures, which are scheduled for presentation at IMAT’22 in New Orleans this September. Additionally, the 2022 ASM/TMS Distinguished Lecture in Materials and Society is scheduled for presentation at MS&T in Pittsburgh this October. Details including lecturer, abstract, date, location, and time of each is as follows: 2022 Alpha Sigma Mu Lecture Monday, September 12 | 1:20 – 2:40 p.m. IMAT, New Orleans Dr. David Furrer, FASM Senior Fellow, Discipline Lead, Materials & Processes Engineering Pratt & Whitney, East Hartford, Conn. “Industry 4.0 and ICME: The Evolution and Revolution of Materials Science and Engineering” Materials science and engineering is a critical engineering discipline that supports the design, development, and realization of some of the world’s most complex and useful products. Materials science and engineering has and continues to evolve from a completely empirical discipline of making, breaking, and analyzing to one of understanding of fundamental, underlying physics-based behavioral mechanisms that can be controlled and optimized to produce new and more advanced capabilities. Computational methods are leading to further integration of materials design and optimization within component and system design activities as envisioned by the various integrated computational materials engineering initiatives. Materials definitions are also advancing through the use of computational models and associated key chemical and structural parameters along with their accompanied variability for any given pedigree and their associated quality control system. Materials descriptions are evolving toward model-based definitions that support the statistical-based material understanding and control. The establishment and linkage of materials and manufacturing process data capture, analysis, and curation with physics-based behavioral models is providing a path toward probabilistic materials science and engineering. This is allowing for component location-specific properties rather than a simple, single empirically driven component minimum value. Revolutionary component design and structural analysis workflows are leading to the use of location-specific material property values with associated probabilities based on optimized manufacturing process paths and model-based material definitions. ASM Nominations The ASM International Constitution provides that members of the Society may submit additional nominations after the Nominating Committee has made its official report. Article IV, Section 6, of the ASM Constitution reads: “After publication of the Nominating Committee’s report on nominees, and the Board report on its nominee for Treasurer per the Rules for Government, and at any time prior to July 15 of the same year, additional nominations for any or all of the vacancies may be made in writing to the Executive Director at Headquarters. Such nominations must be signed by at least twenty-five individual Professional or Chapter Members. Such nominees shall be processed by the Executive Director for compliance with Section 4 of this Article. This shall be the only way in which additional nominations may be made. The membership of ASM International shall be duly notified in a regular publication of such additional nominations.” Of cial ASM Annual Society Meeting Notice The Annual Society Meeting of members of ASM International will be held on: Monday, September 12 - 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. The purpose of the ASM Annual Society Meeting is the election of officers for the 2022-2023 term and transaction of other Society business. Furrer LECTURERS