
HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | A P R I L 2 0 2 2 6 9 Pathak and Barve welcomed guests and shared the activities of the ASM Pune Chapter, while Nita Gaykar expressed thanks. Gotmare, Gaykar, and Barve from the Pune Chapter organized the event. Pournima Barve and Tannu Kanojia co-anchored the program. This program was an example of true diversity and inclusion. #breakthebias2022. Special thanks to Amanjeet Kaur, student of CCOEW, Nagpur, for compiling this report. Hartford and UConn Host Joint Event The ASM Hartford Chapter, working with assistant professor Lesley Frame of the University of Connecticut (UConn), held a joint event on March 8, in recognition of International Women’s Day. The program was titled, “The Balancing Act: Pursuing Professional Advancement (through Graduate School, Continuing Education, Volunteerism) while Working.” A total of 30 people attended the event at UConn including 20 undergraduate and graduate materials science and engineering (MSE) students. Jennifer Williams of Collins Aerospace hosted a panel that included Alexandra Merkouriou, Ph.D. student, UConn; Jackie Garofano, CTO, Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology; and Ruchika Jain, graduate student and employee, Novo Precision. MEMBERS IN THE NEWS MEMBERS IN THE NEWS Albuquerque Hears about Spaceflights On March 9, astronaut John “Danny” Olivas was the featured speaker at an ASM Albuquerque Chapter virtual meeting. His talk was titled “The Overview Effect: A Materials Scientist Perspective.” Olivas, a veteran of two space shuttle flights and five spacewalks, relayed his 12-year experience in the profession. He discussed how being a materials scientist provided NASA with unique insight into materials-related spaceflight challenges, from failure analysis on NASA’s T-38 fleet to forensic work on the Columbia disaster. Olivas is the only astronaut to carry the ASM flag on board the space shuttle to the International Space Station. National Academy of Engineering Honors ASM Members In February, the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) elected 111 new members and 22 international members. Among the inductees are several ASM members: Michele Viola Manuel, FASM, department chair and Rolf E. Hummel Professor, department of materials science and engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, for contributions to research, implementation, and teaching of computational materials design of biomimetic self-healing metals and high-performance lightweight alloys. Julie Mae Schoenung, FASM, department chair and professor, materials science and engineering, University of California, Irvine, for innovative and interdisciplinary applications of materials engineering in trimodal composites, coatings, additive manufacturing, and green engineering. James A. Yurko, director, Materials Engineering, Apple Inc., Cupertino, Calif., for innovation, leadership, and the accelerated development of materials applied to consumer electronic products. Election to NAE is among the highest professional distinctions accorded to an engineer. Academy membership honors those who have made outstanding contributions to engineering research, practice, or education. An induction ceremony for the NAE Class of 2022 will be held on October 2 at the Academy’s annual meeting in Washington. McDonald Named Associate VP at U of A André McDonald, FASM, professor in the department of mechanical engineering, University of Alberta (U of A), was appointed to the role of associate vice president (Strategic Research Initiatives and Performance). He will support strategic research initiatives, planning, and performance measurement; identify research and innovation trends; develop interdisciplinary institutional research initiatives; and steward large-scale institutional research grant applications. McDonald will continue his member engagement with ASM through his research in thermal spray, work with the Thermal Spray Society, and service on the ASM Task Force on Academic Engagement. He currently leads the Experiential Learning in Innovation, Technology, and Entrepreneurship (ELITE) Program for Black Youth, which supports hands-on learning and work-integrated training in STEM fields. McDonald