
HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | A P R I L 2 0 2 2 6 8 CHAPTERS IN THE NEWS CHAPTERS IN THE NEWS Pune Chapter Celebrates International Women’s Day ASM International’s Pune Chapter celebrated International Women’s Day onMarch 5 in the auditoriumof MKSSS’s Cummins College of Engineering for Women (CCOEW). Collaborating with the college in organizing the event were The Institution of Engineers, the Pune Local Centre, and ASM International. The celebration was conducted both in-person and online. More than 100 participants attended the event including engineering students from CCOEW at Nagpur and Pune. The program began with a traditional lamp lighting ceremony led by dignitaries including Dr. Madhuri Khambete (principal), Dr. Gautam Chandekar (HoD Mech. from CCOEW), Udayan Pathak, FASM, (chair, ASM Pune Chapter), and Ruta Barve, FASM, ( joint secretary, ASM Pune Chapter). The honor of lighting the lamp was given to two students, Rajeshwari and Abha. During the event, the Mentoring Program for Women Materials Engineers was launched jointly by Deepa Deshpande (director, Precicut) and Pradeep Goyal, FASM, (ASM India mentor and founder chairman of Pradeep Metals). Ruta Barve elaborated on the structure of the program. This exclusive mentoring program was designed in consultation with Dr. Rajiv Narvekar (senior practice leader, Tata Management Training Centre & Group Innovation Centre). He also agreed to serve as the program’s chief mentor. The program started out with an inspirational talk by Sanhita Karmakar from Kolkata and an interview with Prof. Fahmida Gulshan, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka, conducted by Dr. Sarika Verma of CSIR-AMPRI. There was a panel discussion on “Career Opportunities for Materials Engineers in Current Global Technology Disruption.” The panelists included Dr. David Williams, FASM, (VP, ASM International and professor of materials science and engineering, The Ohio State University), Dr. Anne-Claire Christiaen, (director, Advance Design Center, Emerson Electric, Ohio), Jill Long, (VP HR, North America & Asia, Bodycote Thermal Processing PLC), Sachin Ghanpathi, (retired director, manufacturing engineering, Cummins India Ltd. & Industry 4.0 Expert), and Shruti Dubey, (ASM student board member and chair, Material Advantage, IIT Kanpur). The session was moderated by Jaswandi Gotmare of Emerson Innovation Center-Pune. Williams emphasized the need for acquiring numerical and data analytics skills for materials engineers. Christiaen mentioned the tremendous career opportunities arising from a circular economy, which will change the entire design approach from low cost, lightweight materials to a carbon footprint approach for environmental sustainability. Long shared the criticality of acquiring new skills like data analytics and machine learning, along with soft skills such as resourcefulness and problem solving. Ghanpathi highlighted that adopting Industry 4.0 is helping manufacturing value chains to become more agile. He also added that collaboration is the key, but basic engineering knowledge will be advantageous. Dubey drew everyone’s attention to the valid point that material is omnipresent. Hence, along with core subjects of materials science and engineering, there is a need to include machine learning and coding in engineering programs. The panel discussion was a highlight of the Pune Chapter’s International Women’s Day event. Traditional lamp lighting, symbolizing knowledge removing ignorance. Clockwise from top left: Ruta Barve, FASM, Madhuri Khambete, Udayan Pathak, FASM, and Rajeshwari.