
HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | A P R I L 2 0 2 2 6 4 ASMNEWS FROM THE PRESIDENT’S DESK National Volunteer Week In recognition of National Volunteer Week, April 17-23, ASM International thanks all of the many volunteers who are the lifeblood of the Society’s programs and services. Volunteers serve as chapter officers, event organizers, committee chairs and members, Materials Camp mentors, publication reviewers, and more. Thank you for all you do year round! FROM THE PRESIDENT’S DESK Materials Innovation for a Decade of Opportunity The first quarter of 2022 has been a busy one for ASM. The ASM Data Ecosystem launched on February 15 and is attracting significant member interest. The first webinar, Enhancing Materials Performance for Industry 4.0, was held on March 29 and is archived for members who were unable to attend the live event. On February 18, in response to an invitation, ASM sent “Recommendations to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM),” a document advising the National Science Foundation (NSF) on furthering the vision of the Materials Genome Initiative through the NSF Design of Materials to Revolutionize and Engineer our Future (NSF DMREF) program. The NASEM committee will “evaluate the goals, progress, and scientific accomplishments of the programwithin the context of similar efforts both within the United States and abroad. High-level, strategic recommendations will be provided for aligning the program to take full advantage of existing and future opportunities for accelerating the progression of materials research.” ASM’s response can be found by visiting https://bit.ly/3D2ZEAL. We will keep you posted with updates. On the interdisciplinary front, ASM’s AeroMat teamed up with SAE’s AeroTech on March 15-17 for our first co-located event in Pasadena, Calif. Members of both societies enjoyed access to enhanced technical programming, additional learning opportunities dedicated exclusively to advanced aerospace materials, and expanded industry exhibits. This is the beginning of a new longterm partnership designed to bring added value to our members. On the global front, congratulations to the Pune Chapter for recently hosting a highly successful International Women’s Day celebration. ASM Vice President Dave Williams represented ASM at this year’s event. Read highlights of the event in the Chapters in the News section of this issue. Todd Our new Executive Director, Sandy Robert, continues to come up to speed through her outreach into our community and through resources and connections provided to her by ASM’s officers and board. She is meeting with the officers weekly to discuss operational progress and is getting to know the staff and the organization’s lines of business. She is working closely with key members of the team to ensure close financial monitoring and management as we emerge from the pandemic. Sandy is also holding introductory meetings with the Board of Trustees to benefit from their perspectives, and is meeting with various member committees and task forces to understand our governance model. Certainly, advancement of our members is ASM’s number one priority. Speaking of our members, one of the highlights of this year so far was my visit to the Milwaukee Chapter on March 8—my first in-person chapter visit since COVID-19 began. This was a very positive experience. Led by Chris Misorski, I met a very enthusiastic group of volunteers who were focused on reinvigorating post-COVID, in-person meetings, particularly as their regular meeting venue had closed during the pandemic. The chapter is in great health, the Material Advantage Chapter at the University of Wisconsin-Madison is growing, and there is strong sentiment that ASM should concentrate on membership growth at all levels while remaining focused on core materials education. Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) was a featured program as was a future ASM education course. Strong representation of local industry and the University of Marquette, among others, was present. Thank you for making me so welcome. These are just a few highlights of ASM’s many initiatives. More to come next issue! ASM President Judith Todd, FASM judith.todd@asminternational.org ASM presidential visit to the Milwaukee Chapter in March.