
A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | A P R I L 2 0 2 2 6 2 Vascotube, a Cirtec Company, focuses on custommanufacturing tubing exclusively for medical devices. Simply: we do not do anything else. We are dedicated to quality medical implantable tubing and the specific requirements of working and forming Nitinol and other demanding materials. Our tubing is used in medical devices including replacement heart valves and stents. We specialize in large outer diameters, high surface smoothness, tight wall tolerances, and tight concentricity. vascotube.com – Booth 106 SMST 2022 EXHIBITOR SHOWCASE Established over 75 years ago, Norman Noble remains committed to leading the development of advanced manufacturing processes required for our medical OEM customers. Norman Noble’s exclusive STEALTH athermal laser technology enables the manufacturing of next-gen medical implants made from thin and thick wall Nitinol without producing any heat affected zone (HAZ). Please contact us to learn more about our new Rapid Prototyping services. nnoble.com – Booth 204 SMST EXHIBITOR SHOWCASE 1 6 (continued from page 61)