A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | A P R I L 2 0 2 2 5 6 This ability to optimize proximal device apposition may help to avoid complications such as type Ia endoleak. CONCLUSION The Conformable GORE® TAG® Endoprosthesis was already widely recognized for its conformable stent graft design and its proven history across broad indications. With the new features of staged deployment and angulation control, the GORE® TAG® Conformable Thoracic Stent Graft with ACTIVE CONTROL System represents a new development in TEVAR device design that enables in situ adjustments in stent graft positioning and apposition and sets a new standard for the conformability and control that can be expected of a TEVAR device. ~SMST Note: Co-authors include Giovanni B. Torello and Martin Austermann, St. Franziskus Hospital, University of Münster; and Giovanni F. Torsello, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin. For more information: Jill Skoczen, thoracic strategic marketing, W. L. Gore & Associates, jskoczen@wlgore.com. References 1. M.F. Conrad, R.P. Cambria, Contemporary Management of Descending Thoracic and Thoracoabdominal Aortic Aneurysms: Endovascular versus Open, Circulation, 117:841-852, 2008. 2. N.D.Desai, K. Burtch, W. Moser, et al., Long-term Comparison of Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair (TEVAR) to Open Surgery for the Treatment of Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms, J. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg., 144:604-609; discussion 609-611, 2012. Additional author information: Giovanni B. Torsello, MD Chief of Vascular Surgery Department St. Franziskus Hospital Professor of Vascular Surgery University of Münster Münster, Germany Principal Investigator of the SURPASS Registry +49.251.935.3933; giovanni. torsello@sfh-muenster.de Disclosures: None. Martin Austermann, MD Vascular Surgery Department St. Franziskus Hospital Assistant Professor of Vascular Surgery University of Münster Münster, Germany; martin. austermann@sfh-muenster.de Disclosures: None. Giovanni F. Torsello, MD, BA Radiology Department Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin Berlin, Germany; giovanni.f. torsello@gmail.com Disclosures: None. TECHNICAL SPOTLIGHT 1 0 1 4