
iTSSe TSS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | A P R I L 2 0 2 2 4 1 iTSSe TSS NUMERICAL MODELING OF BOND FORMATION IN POLYMER SURFACE METALLIZATION USING COLD SPRAY Asghar Heydari Astaraee, Chiara Colombo, and Sara Bagherifard Surface metallization of polymeric materials using cold spray technology has gained increasing attention in the past decade. Experimental studies have evidenced multiple challenges of this process regarding continuity and homogeneity of the metallic deposits on polymer substrates. Modeling and simulation tools could be very helpful to assess the efficiency of different strategies suggested for improved deposition at a considerably reduced cost; nevertheless, the efforts to use numerical modeling in this sector have been less successful. Here, we develop a detailed finite element model for the cold spray deposition of metal particles on polymeric substrates to shed light on the underlying deposition mechanisms. The simulation results are compared with the literature experiments to establish the effectiveness of the proposed model. (Fig. 3) Fig. 4 — Column density of the SPS- and PS-PVD-sprayed topcoats (TCs). CHARACTERIZATION OF AN AXIAL-INJECTION PLASMA SPRAY TORCH Stephan Zimmermann, Georg Mauer, Karl-Heinz Rauwald, and Jochen Schein The Axial III torch is a multiple-arc plasma generator with a set of three single cathode–anode units, which is still of significant importance, especially in the field of suspension plasma spraying. The division of the plasma generator into three spatially separated systems allows for central feedstock injection with improved deposition rates and efficiencies. In this work, several diagnostic methods were applied to characterize the plasma jet of an Axial III spray torch to further the understanding of this spray system. (Fig. 5) COLUMNAR THERMAL BARRIER COATINGS PRODUCED BY DIFFERENT THERMAL SPRAY PROCESSES Nitish Kumar, Mohit Gupta, Daniel E. Mack, Georg Mauer, and Robert Vaßen Suspension plasma spraying (SPS) and plasma spray- physical vapor deposition (PS-PVD) are the only thermal spray technologies shown to be capable of producing TBCs with columnar microstructures similar to the electron beam- physical vapor deposition (EB-PVD) process but at higher deposition rates and relatively lower costs. The objective of this study was to achieve a fundamental understanding of the effect of different columnar microstructures produced by these two thermal spray processes on their insulation and lifetime performance and propose an optimized columnar microstructure. Characterization of TBCs in terms of microstructure, thermal conductivity, thermal cyclic fatigue lifetime and burner rig lifetime was performed. (Fig. 4) Fig. 3 — Model geometry and mesh details (Rp: particle radius). Fig. 5 — Tomography setup to determine the shape of the plasma jet and the temperature distribution. JTST HIGHLIGHTS 11