
A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | A P R I L 2 0 2 2 4 0 iTSSe TSS iTSSe TSS NEW PROCESS IMPLEMENTATION TO ENHANCE COLD SPRAY-BASED ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING Hongjian Wu, Shaowu Liu, Yicha Zhang, Hanlin Liao, Rija-Nirina Raoelison, and Sihao Deng Cold spraying (CS) is a solid-state coating technique that has been applied as a novel additive manufacturing (AM) method to fabricate freestanding metal components. Recent advances in cold spray additive manufacturing (CSAM) technology call for new process implementation to improve manufacturing accuracy and flexibility. In this study, a concept of modular systems is presented to design and implement a new CSAM framework. The current CSAM system is an open framework system composed of different modules. The flow of the proposed CSAM system is explained to understand the physical and functional relationships between the key elements of the entire system. This physical and functional modularity is useful to promote hybrid AM processes. In addition, based on the smart manufacturing concept of Industry 4.0, a novel approach is proposed to bring the perception and the decision-making abilities into the traditional CS system. (Fig. 1) The Journal of Thermal Spray Technology (JTST), the official journal of the ASM Thermal Spray Society, publishes con- tributions on all aspects— fundamental and practical— of thermal spray science, including processes, feedstock manufacture, testing, and characterization. As the primary vehicle for thermal spray information transfer, its mission is to synergize the rapidly advancing thermal spray industry and related industries by presenting research and development efforts leading to advancements in implementable engineering applications of the technology. Articles from recent issues, as selected by JTST Editor-in-Chief Armelle Vardelle, are highlighted here. In addition to the print publication, JTST is available online through springerlink.com. For more information, visit asminternational.org/tss. FACTORS AFFECTING ADHESION IN METAL/CERAMIC INTERFACES CREATED BY COLD SPRAY Sara I. Imbriglio and Richard R. Chromik Increasingly, due to their interesting applications, research on metal/ceramic interfaces created by cold spray Fig. 1 — Schematic representation of CS+milling process. Fig. 2 — Schematic of defects formed at the interface in the splat and/or substrate materials under mechanical work leading to mechanical activation. is being undertaken. For metal/ceramic interfaces, where the ceramic is not expected to plastically deform, adhesion is poorly understood. This review article provides an overview of the current state of knowledge regarding the deposition of metal on ceramic. This review includes a summary of the materials tested, the testing methodology and findings as well as an overview on the effect of deposition parameters on adhesion, the role of jetting in the interface and outlook regarding potential local changes occurring at the interface promoting adhesion. (Fig. 2) JTST HIGHLIGHTS 10