
A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | A P R I L 2 0 2 2 3 4 iTSSe TSS iTSSe TSS (a) during impact formation of metastable materials. Along the way, the program enabled introducing robustness into the process through study of particle dynamics both during the melting and deposition phases. PHASE TWO: EXPANSION Following a successful first phase, the program was renewed for a second five-year iteration with a promised expansion into new strategies. This included studies of liquid feedstock to synthesize novel chemistries and applications of thermal spray in electronic, magnetic, and sensor functions (Fig. 2). The Center benefited through a significant, complementary program funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to examine the ability of thermal spray for direct writing of functional thick films and sensor devices (Fig. 3). In this effort, Prof. Sampath led a large group of scientists and engineers to extend the boundaries of thermal spray technologies to create functional surfaces and multilayers. Together, these programs dramatically expanded research and knowledge-transfer activities of the Center for themuch of the early tomid-2000s. Along the way, through support from state and industrial partners, a new state-of-the-art industrial scale laboratory was established, which continues to serve as a unique facility in the U.S. The Center is home to five plasma spray cells, two HVOF cell with multiple torches, a recently updated VPS system and newly introduced cold spray facility. Wide ranging characterization facilities were also set up. INDUSTRIAL CONSORTIUM As the program approached the end of its lifecycle, the Center pivoted to seek industrial support to continue the developments in research and human resources. An industrial (b) Fig. 2 — An integrated multi-sensor process diagnostics and in situ coating monitoring approach developed at CTSR in the early 2000s allowed rapid assessment of process parameters and its effects on coating formation dynamics. This set up (illustration (a) and actual image (b)) is now routinely used by both undergraduate and graduate students for both training and research. Numerous publications have resulted offering significant insights into science of thermal sprays[1]. FEATURE 4