A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | A P R I L 2 0 2 2 3 2 iTSSe TSS iTSSe TSS MUSINGS ON MICROGRAPHS Viewing and characterizing a micrograph brings to mind the excitement of looking through a kaleidoscope for the very first time. Most of us likely experienced the fascination of a kaleidoscope as a child. We were intrigued by the endless shapes, shades, and colors, all feeding our imagination and spurring our curiosity to find out how it works. Then we would hesitantly pass the scope to the next viewer. In our professional studies, the way we use thermal spray to engineer surfaces for countless applications makes me think of the relationships within our professional association—the ASM Thermal Spray Society. Our resources include this very magazine (iTSSe), the Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, the International Thermal Spray Conference (ITSC), and focused topical events. All of these contribute to our continuously expanding knowledge base and enrich our interactions with hardworking colleagues deserving of many accolades. Therefore, sharing the kaleidoscope is of the utmost importance as we grow professionally. So what does the symbolic kaleidoscope have to do with the Thermal Spray Society? Specifically, we can think about: • Micrographs—density, particle size, bond line, surface roughness, andmore when looking at the Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, AM&P, iTSSe, online ASM resources, and numerous technical books • Visually identifying part wear and considering different options in order to choose the best surface technology to apply • The heat source for various processes, from plasma plume to HVOF shock diamonds to twin wire arc, or the optical particle distribution of cold spray • A clean and proper surface for optimal coating application • A diamond superfinish polish to obtain a chatter-free surface • Engaging with other attendees at conferences, where silver-haired colleagues continue to contribute to the science and pass knowledge to the next generation • Interacting with professors and students to see the sincerity in facial expressions Some upcoming kaleidoscope opportunities will occur at ITSC in May in the historic and beautiful city of Vienna. See the Show Preview in this issue for more details. And more chances for these connections will be available at Cold Spray and NEMS, taking place during IMAT in September in New Orleans, and during the ongoing OpenMic series based on helping students meet thermal spray notables. We hope you will participate in one or more of these events. These opportunities exist because of a truly international group of people who are not only sincere and hardworking, but willing to offer mentorship. Each of these volunteers adds color and richness to the kaleidoscope of our society. Thank you to all of the readers of iTSSe, to the ASM staff at Materials Park who bring us all together, and to all of my many mentors. Charles M. Kay, FASM President, Hannecard Roller Coatings/ASB Industries TSS Past President and Volunteer iTSSe Editor Kay EDITORIAL / SOCIETY NEWS SEEKING NOMINATIONS FOR THERMAL SPRAY HALL OF FAME The Thermal Spray Hall of Fame, established in 1993 by the Thermal Spray Society of ASM International, recognizes and honors outstanding leaders who havemade significant contributions to the science, technology, practice, education, management, and advancement of thermal spray. For a copy of the rules, nomination form, and list of previous recipients, visit tss.asminternational.org or contact maryanne.jerson@asminternational.org. Nominations are due September 30. 2