A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | A P R I L 2 0 2 2 1 1 in the material—the elasticity matrix. These crystals are normally invisible to the naked eye, but by precisely measuring the speed of sound across the surface of these crystals, their orientation and the inherent elasticity of the material can be revealed. This technology is already starting to be used in fields such as aerospace to understand the performance of new materials and manufacturing processes. According to the researchers, the technique will launch a new field of research as it’s a completely new way to evaluate materials. It could be used to improve safety within systems like jet turbine blades or develop new designer alloys with tailored stiffness. For example, in medical implants, it is vital to match the stiffness of prosthetic devices to the properties of the human body to ensure harmonious operation. Along with the stiffness of the material, the elasticity matrix also provides insight intomany importantmaterial properties that are hard to measure directly, such as how the material responds to changes in temperature. This means the rapid measurement of the elasticity matrix can be used as a roadmap to discover next-generation materials with superior properties, making SRAS++ an essential tool in the development of new materials. www. nottingham.ac.uk. SRAS scan of titanium alloy. The color of the regions represents the speed of sound across the surface of that crystal. Courtesy of University of Nottingham.