4 A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J A N U A R Y / F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 2 ASM International 9639 Kinsman Road, Materials Park, OH 44073 Tel: 440.338.5151 • Fax: 440.338.4634 Joanne Miller, Editor joanne.miller@asminternational.org Victoria Burt, Managing Editor vicki.burt@asminternational.org Frances Richards and Corinne Richards Contributing Editors Jan Nejedlik, Layout and Design Madrid Tramble, Production Manager madrid.tramble@asminternational.org Press Release Editor magazines@asminternational.org EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Adam Farrow, Chair, Los Alamos National Lab John Shingledecker, Vice Chair, EPRI Somuri Prasad, Past Chair, Sandia National Lab Beth Armstrong, Oak Ridge National Lab Margaret Flury, Medtronic Surojit Gupta, University of North Dakota Nia Harrison, Ford Motor Company Michael Hoerner, KnightHawk Engineering Hideyuki Kanematsu, Suzuka National College of Technology Ibrahim Karaman, Texas A&M University Ricardo Komai, Tesla Scott Olig, U.S. Naval Research Lab Amit Pandey, Lockheed Martin Space Satyam Sahay, John Deere Technology Center India Kumar Sridharan, University of Wisconsin Jean-Paul Vega, Siemens Energy Vasisht Venkatesh, Pratt & Whitney ASMBOARDOF TRUSTEES Judith A. Todd, President and Chair of the Board David B. Williams, Vice President Diana Essock, Immediate Past President John C. Kuli, Treasurer Burak Akyuz Ann Bolcavage Elizabeth Ho man Navin Manjooran Toni Marechaux U. Kamachi Mudali James E. Saal Priti Wanjara Ji-Cheng Zhao Sandra W. Robert, Secretary and Executive Director STUDENT BOARDMEMBERS Shruti Dubey, AndrewRuba, David Scannapieco Individual readers of AdvancedMaterials & Processes may, without charge, make single copies of pages therefrom for per- sonal or archival use, or may freelymake such copies in such numbers as are deemed useful for educational or research purposes and are not for sale or resale. Permission is granted to cite or quote fromarticles herein, provided customary acknowledgment of the authors and source is made. The acceptance and publication of manuscripts in Advanced Materials & Processes does not imply that the reviewers, editors, or publisher accept, approve, or endorse the data, opinions, and conclusions of the authors. PROMISING CHARACTERISTICS JWST’s berylliummirrors on AM&P’s September 2015 cover. T he new year is full of promise for engineering, sci- entific, and especially astronomical discoveries to come. A er its origami-folded wings sequentially and ceremoniously opened, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) was deemed fully deployed and will start capturing photos in about five months. It’s been a long time coming. Initial planning for the telescope began in the 1990s and the launch was originally planned for 2018. But it’s already worth the wait. Even before capturing its first image, the JWST has held thrilling moments for materials scientists along the way. Reflecting the scope’s development years, an article in AM&P in September 2015 shed some light on the lengthy competition that led to the selection of be- ryllium for the JWST’s distinctive hexagonal mirrors. The alloy was chosen for its high stiffness, lowmass, predictable contraction when cooled to cryogen- ic temperatures, and ability to be to polished to a highly reflective surface. Beryllium’s characteristics made it an ideal optical material for space appli- cations and thus won the day. Also in the winner’s circle was Materion Corp. in Mayfield Heights, Ohio, who was awarded a coveted NASA contract to have their beryllium experts fabricate themirrors at the company’s Elmore fa- cility. An engineer’s dream come true! Materials continue to be in the forefront of so many scientific marvels—in space and on the ground. And we’re proud to share some of those materials dis- coveries with you in every issue of AM&P. The lead article in this issue describes a new way to determine microstruc- tures through a mashup of 3D computed tomography and traditional metallog- raphy. And speaking of discoveries, we found the article’s author through the Volunteer Center of ASM Connect at connect.asminternational.org . It’s a wonder- ful tool for pairing members’ competencies and interests with Societal needs. We invite you to log on and share your expertise as well. In other-worldly mysteries, nanotechnology takes the spotlight in Jagdish Narayan’s article. He describes a recent discovery of double helix screw disloca- tions that play a key role in the development of novel materials. Hint: The solu- tion involves characteristic Eshelby twists. It’s no mystery that the new year will see the release of more electric ve- hicles. But the industry is still struggling with battery issues related to environ- mental, supply, safety, and disposal concerns. Our Sustainability news page goes mining for new methods to extract rare metals needed to create lithium-ion bat- teries. And an article from Thermo Fisher Scientific describes elemental analysis methods that can fuel the production of safer batteries. And finally, history is in the making at ASM as two articles in this issue’s ASM News section announce the official start of the Society’s new Executive Director, Sandy Robert. Similar to a materials selection process, it was the unique, profes- sional characteristics Robert brings to the table that won her the role. We look forward to her leadership in this next phase of ASM history. As 2022 unfolds, ASM is full of promise. joanne.miller@asminternational.org
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