
HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J A N U A R Y / F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 2 4 5 IN MEMORIAM T.V.K. Kidao died at age 92 on October 16, 2021. Born on October 18, 1928, in Calicut, Ker- ala (India), Kidao received his early education in Kerala and an undergraduate degree in science from Bihar University, after which he had his initial training at the Tata Iron Steel Co., Jam- shedpur. He then worked at Pioneer Equipment Co. for more than 12 years and subsequently joined Kulkarni Foundries Ltd., Pune, as regional manager for South India. In 1970, following his entrepreneurial interests, Kidao founded Madras Metallurgical Services Pvt Ltd., a leading sup- plier of materials testing equipment. In 1986, he established its materials testing division, Kidao Laboratories. He was one of the founding members of the ASM International Chennai Chapter (1985) and previously served as its chair and treasurer. Kidao was also active in several other professional bodies such as the Institute of Indian Foundrymen, the Indian Institute of Metals, the Indian Society for Non-Destructive Testing, and the Madras Metallurgical Society. James A. Salsgiver, FASM, of Sarver, Pa., passed away from Parkinson’s disease on November 26, 2021. He was born on March 9, 1943, in Kittanning, Pa. He graduated from Penn State University with a bachelor’s degree in physics in 1965, received a master’s degree in mate- rials science from the University of Illinois in 1967, and completed a summer course in admin- istration from the Harvard Business School in 1980. In 1968, Salsgiver accepted a position as a researchmetallurgist for Allegheny Ludlum-Allegheny Technologies Inc. He subsequently devel- oped multiple stainless steel patents for the company. He was director of product research and development when he retired in 2003. Salsgiver was a member of the ASM Pittsburgh Chapter and served as chair of ASM’s Technical Programming Board (2000-2002). In 2003, he was chair of the Stainless Steel Industry of North America Marketing Committee. Arthur F. Torok, 93, of Westlake, Ohio, passed away at home on November 21, 2021. He was a longtime employee of General Metal Heat Treating (GMHT) in Cleveland and served as the past president of the now family-owned business. Torok was especially grateful for the ded- icated work and loyalty of GMHT’s employees. He received a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Western Reserve University (now Case Western Reserve University). He later developed his metallurgical acumen through a post-baccalaureate internship in the heat treat industry and postgraduate coursework. He found the field of metallurgy both challenging and fascinating and was an ardent supporter of continued education in this field, particularly for young stu- dents. Torok was a member and past president of the ASM Cleveland Chapter. His family listed the ASM Materials Education Foundation as a preferred option for donations in his memory. Word has been received at ASM Headquarters of the death of Life Member Angelo DeFeo, Jr., 77, of Totowa, N.J. Born on May 3, 1944, DeFeo was a member of the ASM Metro New York-New Jersey Chapter. Torok Salsgiver Kidao IN MEMORIAM