HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J A N U A R Y / F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 2 4 0 FROM THE FOUNDATION 2022 Welcomes Return of Signature Programming Happy New Year! The ASM Foun- dation welcomes this new opportunity to share resources with students and teachers. We plan for in-person ASM Mate- rials Camps to take place this summer. While we are excited about returning to the labs and classrooms, we are cautious about the ever-changing pan- demic situation and will continuously monitor each location to be sure we are following recom- mended protocols and doing all we can to provide a safe learning environment. The ASM Foundation staff continues to rely on local vol- unteers to coordinate space for camps and locate supplies and equipment that have been in storage for two years. This year may require some additional efforts to recruit new vol- unteers, replace expired supplies, and potentially replace equipment as well. Recruiting teachers to attend in-person ASM Materials Camps will also be a big job this year. There will be limited word-of-mouth advertising because the past two years of camps were remote. If you have contacts with school admin- istrators or teachers, please help us to share this opportu- nity with them. While teachers who participated for the past two years provided valuable feedback from the online Materials Camps, all agreed they would like the opportunity to expe- rience the labs in person. Our Master Teachers are also look- ing forward to that face-to-face interaction. We are excited about 2022 for two main reasons: a return to our signature programming that has received so much positive feedback; and the opportunity to add new ASM Materials Camp locations. The ASM Foundation will continue to provide a few online Materials Camp options this summer to reach those who may not be able to attend an in-person camp. They will receive their supplies at home to facilitate participation in the activities. As the ASM Foundation works to return to our flagship programs, please help if you are able to: 1. Spread the word to teachers and other school personnel about the program, particularly in your area 2. Volunteer to assist with the program 3. Provide financial support to ensure the program continues ASM members have generously supported this pro- gram for over 20 years. We thank you in advance for your continued support during 2022—sure to be challenging in its own way. And we thank you for helping us develop the next generation of this country’s engineering workforce. John “Chip” Keough, FASM Chair, ASM Materials Education Foundation Keough CONTRIBUTOR SPOTLIGHT Roch J. Shipley, P.E., FASM Roch Shipley has been a dedicated member of ASM International for almost five decades. Here, he reflects on his career and his Society involvement over the years. While I was a student at Illinois Tech, my advisor, Prof. Norm Breyer, was asked a question about ASM. He responded simply, “It’s my society.” So it is with me. ASM was also my father’s society—I have in my office a Silver Certificate for 25 years of membership awarded to Earl H. Shipley in 1965. During my career, I was a member of my local ASM Chicago Chapter and, for a time, the Cleveland Chapter. I also served in roles with Leadership Days, Chapter Council, Materials Camps, and the ASM Materials Education Founda- tion board. Through these activities, I realized that volun- teers actually receive more than they give. That certainly has proven true with me. Most recently, I’ve served as volume co-editor of ASM Handbook, Volume 11: Failure Analysis and Prevention and ASM Handbook, Volume 11A: Analysis and Prevention of Component and Equipment Failures, which resulted from an expansion of the 2002 edition of Volume 11. This was a great honor indeed, and certainly a part of my personal legacy, given that the life cycle of an ASM Handbook volume is 20 years or more. The Failure Analysis Handbooks reflect the contribu- tions of many members of the ASM Failure Analysis Society (FAS), previously the Failure Analysis Committee. I’m nearly a 30-year member. FAS presents programming at IMAT and publishes six issues of the Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention each year. I also serve as an associate editor of that journal. My career path has taken twists and turns through several companies, most recently as a principal engineer at Professional Analysis and Consulting Inc., an independent technical consulting company. But the constant throughout Shipley CONTRIBUTOR SPOTLIGHT
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