HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J A N U A R Y / F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 2 3 7 As we begin an exciting new year, following our celebrations of the fes- tive holiday season, it is my privilege to welcome Sandra (Sandy) Robert (pro- nounced “roe-bear” – French Cana- dian), Certified Association Executive, as the next Executive Director (ED) of ASM International. As background, I would like our members, staff, and supporters to understand the thorough search process that brought Sandy to ASM. In summer 2020, a search committee (SC) co-chaired by then ASM President-Elect, Diana Essock, and me, as ASM Trustee and Vice President-Elect, was convened to begin the ED search. Members of the SC who are named below were selected to give broad representation of our Society and our staff. We thank all the SC members for their dedicated service and wise counsel in recommending Sandy Robert to the Board, who gave their unanimous approval. Everyone is invested in the future success of ASM. The SC’s first task, identification of a search firm, involved review of 10 candidate firms, preliminary screen- ing interviews, requests for proposals, first and in-depth second interviews with the top firms, and, following Board of Trustees approval, concluded on March 2, 2021, with the appointment of Korn Ferry. Meanwhile, benchmarking with comparable societies was conducted, a draft ED posi- tion description and advertisement were developed, and a preliminary list of key attributes desired in the next ED was compiled. Korn Ferry then conducted their signature Four Dimensional Executive Assessment (KF4D) survey of the SC and Board members, developed a Unique Client Profile (UCP) for the future ED, and prepared the final ED position description. They explored a list of more than 150 potential external and internal candidates that was reduced to first- round interviewees then finalists in collaboration with the SC. Advancing finalists took the KF4D survey, their profiles were compared with the UCP, results were reviewed with Korn Ferry’s psychologist, and behavioral questions were customized for each finalist interview. From the outstanding slate of candidates presented, the search committee rec- ommended, and the Board unanimously approved, Sandy Robert’s appointment as ASM’s next ED. Sandy began her position on January 3, 2022. Sandy brings over 25 years of experience in advancing professional societies and non-profit organizations. Read more about Sandy’s background in the companion article on the next page of this issue. Then look forward to hearing from Sandy directly in the March issue of AM&P. Please join me in giving Sandy the warmest welcome to ASM! Search Committee members – Name, Affiliations, and Society Segment: • Co-Chair: Diana Essock – ASM President/Past President, Metamark Inc., Cleveland • Co-Chair: Judith Todd – ASM Vice President/President, Penn State University • Prem Aurora – (deceased 3/2021), Past Trustee, Aurora Engineering, India Chapter • Craig Clauser – Past Treasurer, CCECI, Philadelphia • André McDonald – Immediate Past President, Thermal Spray Society, Affiliate Society, University of Alberta, Canada • Chris Misorski – Chair, Milwaukee Chapter, Mercury Marine • Navin Manjooran – (as of 3/2021), ASM Trustee, Chair, Interdisciplinary Task Force, Co-chair, India Council/ India Task Force, Chairman of Solve Inc., Orlando • Matt Perricone – Chair, Member Engagement Council, RJ Lee Group, Pittsburgh • Jatinder P. (JP) Singh – Past Chair, Chapter Council, GM, Detroit • Leslie Taylor – Manager, Executive Office, ASM Staff • David Williams – ASM Vice President, former Dean of Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus • Carrie Wilson – Director, ASM Materials Education Foundation Ex-officio, non-voting advisors • Sunniva Collins – ASM Past President, Associate Dean, Case Western Reserve University • Zi-Kui Liu – ASM Past President, Dorothy Pate Enright Professor, Penn State University • Al Romig – ASM Past President, Lockheed Martin (retired) ASM President, Judith Todd, FASM judith.todd@asminternational.org FROM THE PRESIDENT’S DESK Welcome to ASM’s New Executive Director, Sandy Robert Todd FROM THE PRESIDENT’S DESK
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