
A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J A N U A R Y / F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 2 2 2 Amy. In August, we joined Bill and Marcia Koster along with Bill and Ruth Quist at the Koster’s summer home on Lake Erie. It was a highlight for both Judy andme to have our family in attendance at the ASM Annual Awards Banquet on October 9, 1990, where I was introduced as the 1990-1991 ASM President. PIONEERING CAREER At IIT, Judy continued her research on steels, publishing a newmechanism, “Hydrogen Embrittlement Induced Clo- sure” for crack closure in cathodically protected marine structural steels. Hers was one of the few studies of crack clo- sure spanning low frequency to thresh- old, allowing the competing effects of hydrogen embrittlement and calcare- ous deposit formation to be elucidated and applied to life prediction for flawed components in marine service. The Iron and Steel Society recognized Judy’s steel contributions by designating her Iron and Steel Society Professor (1995- 2001). Judy branched out into new re- search areas through a sabbatical leave at Argonne National Laboratory and co-authored a patent entitled “Optical Method and Apparatus for Detection of Defects and Microstructural Chang- es in Ceramics and Ceramic Coatings” (U.S. Patent # 6,285,449). She also took on an administrative role as Associate Dean for Research at IIT. She continued to be active in ASM as a member of the History and Archaeology of Materials Committee, Awards Policy Committee, Council of Fellows, Education Affairs Committee and, of course, the Chicago Chapter. In 2000, opportunity knocked. We decided to move to State College, Pa., where Judy was appointed head of the Engineering Science and Mechanics (ESM) Department at Penn State University (PSU). This was a good move for us, and we have stayed here ever since. The Penn State Com- munity is welcoming. The faculty and students are tal- ented. They have brought out the best in Judy, and she has worked tirelessly for 20 years to inspire all with whom she interacts. In reviewing Judy’s background and accomplishments, particularly since moving to Penn State, several of her personal values stand out. She grew up in a family of modest means learn- ing to place high value on education, hard work, respect for others, and fi- nancial prudence. She was fortunate to be awarded a place at Cambridge Uni- versity with scholarship support, and to find materials science as the major most suited to her broad interdisciplin- ary interests. Her graduate field work in Ethiopia provided exposure to the grand challenges facing our global soci- ety: subsistence-level agriculture; lack of clean water; tropical diseases in rural communities without healthcare and medicine; tribal conflicts; food short- age; and even famine. At Cambridge and throughout her career, she has many times been cast in a pioneering (and lonely) role. She was the first wom- an faculty member appointed to the Materials Science Department at USC; the first woman faculty member in the Department of Metallurgical and Mate- rials Engineering at IIT; the first woman head of a department in the College of Engineering at PSU in its 125-year his- tory. In her career, she has successful- ly mentored hundreds of students, post docs and faculty, as recognized by the 2006 Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineer- ing Mentoring (PAESMEM) of the Na- tional Science Foundation presented by U.S. President George W. Bush. LEADERSHIP Judy has generously given her time and leadership to other technical societies serving as president of the So- ciety of Engineering Science (2010); vice president of the Manufacturing Tech- nology Group of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME, 2002- 2005); and division chair of the Pressure Vessel and Piping Division (ASME, 2006- 2007). At PSU, she has grown the ESM Department, led its expansion into new areas—neural science and engineer- ing, bionanotechnology and 3D print- ing; and expanded her own research interests in laser materials processing, ceramic coatings, and nondestructive evaluation. This background explains Judy’s values: a passion for materials science and engineering, interdisciplinary re- search, and honors education; compas- sion and respect for those less fortunate and a desire to make the world better; financial prudence; a desire to foster diversity, equity, and inclusion in the materials community, academia, and beyond; and the selfless promotion of all with whom she interacts to enable them to achieve beyond their expec- tations. She aligns her values with the pillars of the ASM Strategic Plan and brings 39 years as an active and contrib- uting member of ASM to her presidency. Judy will provide outstanding leader- ship as the 2021-2022 President of ASM. ~AM&P Clockwise, Sara (daughter), Robert (Sara’s husband), Patty (Michael’s wife), Michael (son), Phil (son), Paul (son), Susan (daughter), and Peter (son), and Judy. Judy Todd accepts a 2006 PAESMEM of NSF Award fromPresident George W. Bush.