
A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J A N U A R Y / F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 2 1 3 PROCESS TECHNOLOGY FASTER ALLOY EXTRUSION Aluminum alloys are expensive, partially due to their slow manufactur- ing rates using conventional extrusion. A new method called shear assisted processing and extrusion (ShAPE) uses significantly less energy, dramatical- ly improves manufacturing speed, and can deliver product quicker than con- ventional extrusion without sacrific- ing quality. The method, developed by scientists at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) in Richland, Wash., can also improve the mechanical prop- erties of aluminum alloy 7075. The al- loy has a strength-to-weight ratio 85% higher than the alloys found in typical passenger vehicles. However, its man- ufacturing costs are about 30% more expensive compared to the 6000 series alloys in common use. PNNL scientists batteries that are more efficient than those made with newly mined metals. The new technique begins by dis- charging and then shredding batteries. Next, the batteries are sent through a sieve where materials from the case, wires, plastics, and other parts of the battery are removed. The resulting mix- ture holds cathode materials, other metals, and some graphite. These ma- terials are separated using both filtering and leaching, which produces nickel, manganese, and cobalt in powder form. The powders can be used to create new cathodes for new batteries. Research- ers also note that under a microscope, particles in the powder had larger pores and were less brittle than metals taken directly from a mine. More porous met- als make better batteries because they enable better ion diffusion. They are also less likely to crack after repeated charging and discharging. The researchers also made batter- ies using their recycled materials and tested them using a protocol developed by USABC. The resulting product per- formed as well as or better than batter- ies made with virgin metals. uscar.org , a123systems.com. Scientist Mageshwari Komarasamy holds tubes produced from an advanced aluminum alloy using the ShAPE process. Courtesy of Scott Taysom/PNNL. Kolene Corp., Detroit, a designer of custommolten salt bath equipment, acquired Upton Industries, Roseville, Mich., a manufacturer of thermal processing systems for the heat treating industry. kolene.com . BRIEFS Charter Manufacturing, Mequon, Wis., acquired Aarrowcast Inc., Shawano, Wis., a green sand foundry producing gray and ductile iron castings. chartermfg.com . are looking to change this limiting fac- tor with their new technique. ShAPE is a highly energy-efficient extrusion process that results in high- er-quality products. ShAPE can extrude tubes, wire, and bars with strength properties that meet important indus- trial ASTM standards. The elongation of alloy 7075 is 50% higher than that of conventional extrusion, which can help with energy absorption during a crash. The patented ShAPE process adds ro- tational motion to conventional linear extrusion and creates enough heat to warm the metal, causing it to flow and deform as it is pushed through a die to create product shapes. Research- ers say that the ability to extrude at a lower temperature is one of the rea- sons ShAPE is able to achieve produc- tion rates for alloy 7075 that would tear the material in conventional extrusion. pnnl.gov. NEW LIFE FOR OLD CATHODES A team of collaborative research- ers from the U.S. Advanced Battery Consortium (USABC), Southfield, Mich., and battery maker A123 Systems, Li- vonia, Mich., created a new way to re- claim and reuse materials from lithium battery cathodes and turn them into new batteries. According to the team, the pro- cess can be used to make new The reclamation of nickel, magnesium, and cobalt for green battery production results in metals less likely to crack. Courtesy of X. Ma/ Joule.