A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J A N U A R Y / F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 2 1 2 CATALYSTS FUEL HYPERSONIC FLIGHT Researchers at RMIT University, Australia, developed ultra-efficient 3D-printed catalysts to address over- heating during hypersonic flight. The new cost-effective and scalable cata- lysts could also offer a revolutionary solution to thermal management across countless industries. The research team demonstrated the potential for their 3D-printed catalysts to power hyper- sonic flight while simultaneously cool- ing the system. To make the new catalysts, the team 3D-printed tiny heat exchang- ers made of metal alloys and coated them with synthetic minerals known as zeolites. The researchers replicated at lab scale the extreme temperatures and pressures experienced by fuel at hyper- sonic speed to test the functionality of their design. When heated, some of the metal from the 3D-printed structure moves into the zeolite framework—a process crucial to the unprecedented efficiency of the new catalysts. The re- searchers say the mix of metal and syn- thetic minerals are what make the cat- alysts so notably effective, almost like miniature chemical reactors. The researchers hope to extend the potential applications of the work into air pollution control for vehicles and miniature devices to improve indoor air quality—especially important in man- aging airborne respiratory viruses like COVID-19. According to the research- ers, their catalysts represent a radical new approach that has real potential to revolutionize the future of catalysis around the world. They continue, “With further development, we hope this new generation of ultra-efficient 3D-printed catalysts could be used to transform any industrial process where overheat- ing is an ever-present challenge.” The 3D-printed catalysts were produced using laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) technology in the Digital Manufacturing Facility, part of RMIT’s Advanced Manu- facturing Precinct. www.rmit.edu.au . RECORD SOLAR CELL EFFICIENCY A new record efficiency for flex- ible solar cells was achieved by a group of scientists at Empa, based in EMERGING TECHNOLOGY Prof. Ed Brambley of the University of Warwick, U.K., will use his UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship to investigate the future of smart metal forming. The $1.4 million award will allow him to pursue research on mathematical modeling in continuum solid mechanics and plasticity, enabling predictive models to make industrial metal forming more environmentally friendly. www.warwick.ac.uk. BRIEF Switzerland. Independent measure- ments revealed an efficiency of 21.4% when these types of solar cells convert light into electricity. The best efficiency of a nonflexible solar cell made of crys- talline silicon is reported at 26.7%. High efficiency flexible solar cells are processed on a polymer film by a low temperature co-evaporation method for the growth of the thin film Cu(In,Ga)Se₂ semiconductor that ab- sorbs the light. Empa scientist Shiro Nishiwaki optimized the composition of the layer and alkali dopants for achiev- ing performance improvement. The re- searchers then investigated the effects of combined heat and illumination exposure after the processing of solar cells and found a boost in the photovol- taic performance, which remains stable after several months. Flexible solar modules with this technology are especially suited for ap- plications ongreenhouses, airships, and portable electronics. www.empa.ch. These flexible solar cells consist of very thin layers and include a compound composed of copper, indium, gallium and selenium. Courtesy of Empa. A range of experimental designs for the 3D-printed catalysts. Courtesy of RMIT University. Ring rolling metal forming. Courtesy of Hammerwerk Erft.
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