A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J A N U A R Y / F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 2 6 ENERGY-EFFICIENT STEELMAKING A collaborative research project led by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Calif., will use ma- chine learning to reduce defects and carbon emissions in steelmaking. The project is one of eight new initiatives re- ceiving DOE funding through the High Performance Computing for Manufac- turing (HPC4Mfg) program. LLNL will partner with ArcelorMittal to combine computer vision and machine learn- ing methods with HPC resources to re- duce defects from inclusions such as ox- ide, sulfide, or nitride particles in steel manufacturing. The technology will be used to ac- celerate analysis of the steelmaking process, which is typically performed through automated scanning electron RESEARCH TRACKS microscopy on samples taken from liq- uid steel. The new method aims to en- able close to real-time process control and save energy by eliminating rejec- tion of products due to poor quality, thus avoiding remelting and reprocess- ing. The iron and steel industry con- sumes an estimated 6% of all energy used by the U.S. manufacturing sector. New techniques developed during this project could reduce energy consump- tion by 1-2% and reduce CO 2 emissions by about 1.5 million tons per year, ac- cording to company sources . llnl.gov. DATABASE RECORDS PEROVSKITE RESEARCH In a new study spearheaded by Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB) scien- tist Eva Unger, an international team of experts collected data on metal halide perovskite solar cells from more than Backscattered electron scanning electron microscope images showing different types of inclusions. A new project aims to relate these images to measured chemical composition. Courtesy of ArcelorMittal. 15,000 publications. The team then de- veloped an open source database with visualization options and analysis tools to provide an overview of the rapid- ly growing knowledge regarding these materials. Halide perovskites hold sig- nificant potential for solar cells and other optoelectronic applications. For example, solar cells based on metal-or- ganic perovskites achieve efficiencies of more than 25%. Nearly 100 experts from more than 30 research institutions designed the new database to systematically re- cord findings on perovskite semicon- ductors. By reading the existing liter- ature, the team collected more than 42,000 individual datasets, in which the data can be filtered and displayed ac- cording to various criteria such as ma- terial composition or component type. perovskitedatabase.com . The Perovskite Database Project features an open database, interactive visualization tools, protocols, and a metadata ontology. Courtesy of HZB. Youngstown State University, Ohio, received $2.3 million from the Air Force Research Laboratory to create a consortium on hybrid manufacturing to combine the best of additive and subtractive technologies. Members include the National Center for Defense Manufacturing and Machining and Oak Ridge National Laboratory, among others. The goal is to improve methods to fabricate, inspect, and repair metal machine parts, molds, dies, and defense components. ysu.edu . BRIEF
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