
HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 1 6 2 IN MEMORIAM Lawrence J. Kashar, FASM, of Los Angeles, died on August 27 at age 88. He was principal of Kashar Technical Services for the past 30 years, providing consulting services that specialized in failure analysis, materials problem solving, and product liability investigations for legal and industrial clientele. He previously provided similar services for nearly 20 years at SEAL Labora- tories (now EAG Laboratories/Eurofins Materials Science). Kashar’s earlier professional career included work as a researcher and metallurgist at the U.S. Steel Applied Research Laboratory and the American Metal Climax R&D Laboratory. He earned his M.S. in metallurgical engineer- ing at the Carnegie Institute of Technology and his Ph.D. in metallurgy and materials science at Carnegie Mellon University. Kashar was a founding member of the Independent Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Consultants of California and cofounded the International Society for Testing and Failure Analysis. He was a past chair of ASM’s Los Angeles Chapter and general chair of the 1982 ASMWESTEC Conference. He frequently taught the ASM course “Electron Microscopy in Failure Analysis.” Russell G. Sherman, FASM, 95, a metallurgical engineer from Santa Monica, Calif., died on July 20. After graduating from the University of Pennsylvania, he became active in ASM and the Los Angeles Chapter, serving as its chair in 1973-74. His research and development concerning alloys and heat treating protocols for the titanium industry expanded the use of titanium fas- teners in aircraft and space vehicles. He worked on the Surveyor program, American vehicles that soft-landed on the moon well before Apollo and Neil Armstrong. Sherman developed ther- mo-mechanical treatments for the production of high-strength superalloys A286 and Inconel 718 that became the standards still used by the aircraft industry and the military. He also intro- duced warm rolling of titanium threads that enabled mass production of fasteners for 747 air- craft wings and steel bolts for landing gear. He patented the fit fastener, Sine-Lok, that was used in all U.S. jet engines. Sherman received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Titanium Association in 2018 and the Technical Achievement Award from Fastener Technology International in 2008. In his honor, his family established the Russell G. Sherman Student Scholarship Fund for the ASM Los Angeles Chapter. George R. St. Pierre, FASM, The Ohio State University Distinguished Professor and Chair Emeritus, department of materials science and engineering, passed away on March 4, 2020. He was 89. He received his doctorate degree in 1954 from the Massachusetts Institute of Technol- ogy. After serving active duty in the Air Force Materials Laboratory, St. Pierre joined the faculty at The Ohio State University in 1957. He held several roles at the university, serving as a full profes- sor from 1964-1994, associate dean of the University Graduate School from 1964-1966, as chair from 1983-1992 (metallurgical engineering, 1983-88; mining engineering, 1985-92; materials science and engineering, 1988-92), and receiving the appointment as Presidential Professor in 1988. After retirement, he served as Chief Scientist, Materials Directorate at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and continued to participate in university programming until 2019. He authored over 150 papers, manuscripts, and book chapters. St. Pierre received ASM’s Bradley Stoughton Award for Young Teachers in 1961 and the Albert Easton White Distinguished Teacher Award in 1997. William Eugene “Gene” Wistehuff, of Saginaw, Mich., passed away on October 19, 2020, after a brief illness at the age of 81. He was born on July 23, 1939, in Taylorville, Ill. Wistehuff attended Taylorville High School, graduating in 1957. He attended Missouri School of Mines, receiving a B.S. (1961) and M.S. (1963) in metallurgical engineering. He joined General Motors at Central Foundry in 1963, later being appointed supervisor of the Current Products Laboratory, retiring in 1998. Wistehuff was an active member of ASM International and his local Saginaw Valley Chapter, as well as the Society of Automotive Engineers. Word has been received at ASM Headquarters of the death of Life Member James T. McGrath, FASM, 89, of Ottawa, Canada. He passed away on August 14. McGrath was an ASM member for 47 years and a member of the ASM Ottawa Valley Chapter. Kashar Sherman St. Pierre Wistehu IN MEMORIAM