HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 1 6 1 Todd Named Franklin Institute Committee Chair Judith Todd, FASM, ASM pres- ident, was recently named chair of the Franklin Institute’s Committee on Science and the Arts. The Franklin Institute was founded in 1824 in Phil- adelphia as a center of science edu- cation and development in tribute to Benjamin Franklin. Since its found- ing, the institute has issued Benjamin Franklin Medals around the world for outstanding achievements in science, engineering, and industry. Todd previously served as a member and chair of the committee’s civil and mechanical cluster, where she contributed to awarding a medal to Subra Suresh, FASM, in 2013 for mechanical engineering and materials science, and John Rogers in 2019 for materials engineering. Sigworth Book Release Geoffrey Sigworth, mining and metals professional fromHarrisburg, Va., recently co-authored a book published by Oxford University Press, “ Principles of Metal Refining and Recycling.” The first chapter provides examples of how impurities affect metal properties. The remaining chapters are divided into three categories: fundamentals, problems and methods, and applications. Each chapter includes an extensive bibliography for further study. The book also cov- ers important principles underlying the science, so it may be useful for advanced students. Sigworth, formerly with Alcoa Primary Metals, is now retired. He is a member of the ASM Washington DC Chapter. Liu Awarded Title and Funding Xingbo Liu, FASM, Morgantown, W.Va., was recently promoted to asso- ciate dean for research, Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources at West Virginia University. He is also a professor in the department of mechanical and aerospace engineer- ing. Liu served as associate chair for research in the department for seven years prior. In addition, earlier this year the U.S. Department of Energy announced funding of Phase II of his team’s project to develop additive manufacturing approaches to improve dissimilar metal weldments. Sup- port will come from the DOE’s National Energy Technology Laboratory. Sahay Elected Fellow of INAE Satyam Sahay, FASM, was recently elected as Fellow of the Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE). He was selected in recognition of his distinguished contributions in science and technology. The Academy honors Indian and foreign nationals who are elected by peer committees in recognition of their personal achieve- ments in engineering, which are of exceptional merit in new and devel- oping fields of technology. Sahay is a John Deere Fellow– Materials Engineering in Pune. He is a 29-year member of ASM International and currently serves on the ASM Hand- book Committee, AM&P Editorial Committee, and Technical Committee and Academic Engagement Board Task Force. MEMBERS IN THE NEWS Todd Liu VISIT THE CAREER HUB Matching job seekers to employers just got easier with ASM International’s CareerHub. After logging on to the ASM website, job seekers can upload a resume and do searches on hiring companies for free. Advanced searching allows filtering based on various aspects of materials science, e.g., R&D, failure analysis, lab environment, and manufacturing. Employers and suppliers can easily post jobs and set up pre-screen criteria to gain access to highly qualified, profes- sional job seekers around the globe. For more information, visit . Sahay
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