HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 1 6 0 CHAPTERS IN THE NEWS Cleveland Holds Hybrid Meeting The ASM Cleveland Chapter conducted its first hybrid meeting on October 14 to celebrate Manufacturing Day 2021 and Heat Treaters Night. Dave Deiwert of Pfeiffer Vacuum gave a presentation to members and Material Advantage students from Cleveland State. Chapter chair John Pickens (left) presents an appreciation certificate to speaker Dave Deiwert. CHAPTERS IN THE NEWS Material Advantage Chapters of Excellence Awards Each year ASM administers the Chapters of Excellence (COE) Awards Program on behalf of the Material Advantage Student Program. This competition judges the student social activities, chapter management, and overall report quality. Winners were formally announced at the Student Awards Ceremony at MS&T 2021. Congratulations to this year’s winning schools! Most Outstanding Chapter – plaque and $750 prize: • University of North Texas Chapters of Excellence – plaque and $450 prize: • Colorado School of Mines • Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur • Instituto Tecnológico de Morelia • Suez University • Wuhan University of Technology Certificate of Achievement: • Purdue University MEMBERS IN THE NEWS Shingledecker Honored by Stuttgart John Shingledecker, FASM, of EPRI, Charlotte, N.C., was awarded the Carl von Bach Commemorative Medal 2021 by the MPA (Materials Testing Institute) University of Stuttgart. The medal is awarded to individuals who render outstanding services to the strengthening of research, develop- ment, and teaching in the field of mate- rials testing and strength calculation in the spirit of Carl von Bach, founder of MPA. Andreas Klenk, deputy director, presented the award in a virtual ceremony. He cited Shingle- decker’s long history of collaboration with MPA in the field of life assessment issues, materials for advanced ultra-super- critical plants, weld behavior, and properties of martensitic steel. Shingledecker is only the second winner from the U.S. in the past 31 years. He is also vice chair of the AM&P Edi- torial Committee and a member of ASM’s Content and Data Products Council. Drexel Enjoys Welcome Week The Drexel MA Student Chapter hosted a well-attended event on September 14 as part of the university’s Welcome Week festivities. More than 200 students participated in hands-on bath bomb and slime activities. Shingledecker
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