
HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 1 5 7 George A. Roberts and Pacesetter Awards – 2021 Winners ASM Materials Education Founda- tion is proud to announce the winners of this year’s George A. Roberts Award and the Pacesetter Award. In 2002, ASM Foundation trustees recognized the need to annually honor an individual who has made a significant impact on our ability to reach students and teach- ers, in efforts to increase awareness of materials and applied science careers, creating the George A. Roberts Award. The Pacesetter Award was established in 2009 as an annual corporate award to honor organizations for continued ser- vice to the ASM Materials Education Foundation and recog- nizes the impact in supporting educational outreach efforts that encourage young people to pursue careers in materials science and engineering. Lyle H. Schwartz, FASM, is the 2021 George A. Roberts Award recipient. He is an honorary lifetime ASM member and was an ASM Foundation Board member from 2005- 2019. Schwartz has demonstrated significant and sustained efforts in support of educational outreach and the Founda- tion’s mission in particular. He has championed efforts in both formal and informal education environments, most notably encouraging materials science programming in sci- ence museums and centers. ASM Materials Education Foundation announces Honda as the 2021 winner of the Pacesetter Award. Honda’s consistent support of the Foundation began in 2002 and aligns the company’s focus on youth education and STEM subjects with the Foundation’s mission of serving teachers and students in materials science and engineering. The ASM Materials Education Foundation staff and trustees are grateful to both recipients for their continuing commitment to the Foundation’s mission. FOUNDATION AWARDS EMERGING PROFESSIONALS Lessons Learned and Shared Brittnee Mound-Watson, EPC Co-Chair Per its bylaws, the Emerging Pro- fessionals Committee (EPC) “is to assist an early-career demographic, the future of ASM, to see, understand, and be involved with the inner workings of an internationally recognized pro- fessional society.” When I first joined the EPC, I had just graduated from the University of Tennessee with a Ph.D. and started my career as a manufac- turing engineer at Lockheed Martin in Orlando, Florida. At the time, I had the flexibility to focus on learning and growing in my new roles as an engineer and EPC member. Today, I no longer have that same kind of flexibility because I am now a working mom, a lead for a team of manufacturing engineers, and co-chair of the EPC. Rereading that statement in the bylaws reminded me that there are hundreds of other professionals who might be working parents and who also desire to be leaders in ASM and in their companies. It also reminds me that as an EPC member, I have an opportunity to share my experience as a working parent and full-time engineer so that it may provide encouragement or tools to others who are new to the jour- ney. Here are three lessons I have learned so far that have helped me stay focused on my goals of being a leader while also adjusting to a new work-life balance: 1. Organization and scheduling are key to making sure you get everything you need to done in a day, but it’s important to be flexible for last-minute changes. It is okay if you need to postpone an action to tomorrow. 2. Prioritize what brings you joy. Reprioritization has helped me focus my energy on actions that I enjoy doing. 3. Be open to those at work and in your ASM network. Remember that no one knows your challenges unless you bring them up. It is okay to reach out to the team and let them know you need some assistance. As I continue on this new journey, I will remember that others may have similar challenges. The EPC is here to help other emerging professionals in their early careers and pro- vide guidance. Schwartz ASM and its Affiliate Societies Seek Student Board Members We’re looking for Material Advantage student mem- bers to provide insights and ideas to ASM and its Affiliate Society Boards. We are pleased to announce the continu- ation of our successful Student Board Member programs. Each Society values the input and participation of students and is looking for their insights and ideas. An opportunity like no other! • Expenses to attend meetings paid for by the respective Society • Take an active role in shaping the future of your professional Society • Actively participate in your professional Society’s board meetings Application deadline is February 15, 2022. Visit programs for complete form and rules. Mound-Watson