
HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 1 5 6 Wilson STUDENT SYMPOSIUM Student Speaker Symposium (S 3 ) Winners Created by the ASM Student Board Members in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, students created five-minute videos showcasing their research. Awards included first ($1000), second ($750), and third ($500) place prizes for both graduate and undergraduate categories. A Most Popular Presentation Award ($500) was given to the video presentation (title slide shown below) garnering the most “likes” on the ASM YouTube Channel. Congratulations to the 2021 winners of the S 3 ! Graduate Category • First Place: Brady McBride, Colorado School of Mines, Accumulative Roll Bonding of AA5083 Toward Low Temperature Superplasticity • Second Place: Diptak Bhattacharya, Colorado School of Mines, Compositional Influence on Liquid Metal Embrittlement Susceptibility of Zn-Coated Advanced High Strength Steels • Third Place: Adie Alwen, University of Southern California, Film Modification and Design via Plasma Variation in Hollow Cathode and Planar Sputtering Undergraduate Category • First Place: Charles Mason Shoalmire, Texas A&M University, Ragone Relationships in Thermal Batteries to Evaluate Phase Change Material Composite Design • Second Place: Parth Mahendru, University of Toronto, Artificial Intelligence Models for Analyzing Thermally Sprayed Functional Coatings • Third Place: Hayley Wagreich, Case Western Reserve University, Fatigue Performance of Nitinol and 35N LT in a Simulated Biomedical Environment Most Popular Presentation • M. Khalid Hossain, Kyushu University, Comparative Studies of Hydrogen Behavior in Proton Conducting Zirconates FROM THE FOUNDATION Highlights from 2021 ASM Materials Education Founda- tion is thankful for all the support we have received from ASM International members and others throughout the year. Those funds sustained our pro- grams and activities so that we could provide professional development opportunities for teachers, host stu- dent virtual programs and opportu- nities, and serve as an asset in the materials science and engineering field. The Foundation looks forward to continu- ing to provide this programming for students and teachers with the help of supporters from all over. Some of this year’s highlights include: • Offering virtual ASM Materials Camps for teachers attending for the first time • Advanced ASM Materials Camp for teachers who have incorporated experiments learned from Camp or currently teaching a materials science course • ASM Materials Camp designed for K-5 teachers • Teacher Institute for teachers who have previously attended an ASM Materials Camp and want to go in more depth on a specialty topic led by volunteers and master teachers • Virtual ASM Materials Camp for students introduced materials science concepts in three one-week, 24-hour camps led by outstanding volunteers and Master Teachers • Students and teachers conducted experiments from their own homes with supplies provided free of charge • Opportunities for students and teachers to meet professionals in the field and learn about their careers To continue to provide the resources and host a grow- ing number of ASM Materials Camp for teachers and stu- dents, we need support from ASM members and others in our communities to encourage future generations to pursue materials science and engineering. Please consider a dona- tion to ASM Materials Education Foundation to sustain our programs and increase opportunities for teachers and stu- dents as we plan for in-person activities in 2022. To donate online, visit or mail a check to: ASM Materials Education Foundation, 9639 Kins- man Road, Materials Park, Ohio 44073. This holiday season I continue to be grateful for the amaz- ing volunteers and donors with whom I have the pleasure to work with throughout the year. May you all be as blessed. Carrie Wilson, Executive Director ASM Materials Education Foundation M. Khalid Hossain won the Most Popular Presentation award.