
HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 1 5 5 TECHNICAL COMMITTEES • PANDAT So ware: An integrated modeling platform for materials design, CompuTherm is a leading developer of so ware and databases for thermodynamic and phase diagram calculations as well as kinetic simulations based on the CALPHAD approach. • SMARTUQ: A powerful machine learning and uncertainty quantification (UQ) so ware tool that incorporates real-world variability and probabilistic behavior into engineering and systems analyses. • Total Materia: The world’s most comprehensive materials database with more than 20,000,000 property records for over 450,000 metallic and nonmetallic materials presented in 26 languages and the largest single collection of advanced property data on the planet. Ray Fryan, ASM’s executive director of product devel- opment, explains how this platform will fulfill the needs of Industry 4.0 for ASM members: “Data has become the fuel of progress and advanced analytics is the engine that turns data into knowledge and solutions. Whether we’re talkingmate- rials design, processing, or performance, Materials 4.0 will accelerate our members’ performance. With our 100+ year history as ‘the materials information soci- ety,’ we believe ASM is the logical choice to enable Materials 4.0 for our members. In a nutshell, via Data Ecosystem, we’ll help our members predict more, and experiment less, reuse data more, and recreate data less, and that is a big deal.” To learn more about the Data Ecosystem, contact Nate Bulcroft, ASM commercial director, at nate.bulcroft@ . • Materials and Process Modeling • Materials Data Management and Analytics • Residual Stress In addition, new committees are currently being organized: • Additive Manufacturing • Sustainable Materials Engineering ASM members who are interested in getting involved with any of these new committees or who would like to investigate forming a new community or committee may contact Scott Henry at . New ASM Technical Communities and Committees The ASM Connect platform enables ASM members to form Technical Community discussions on a particular topic. ASM members may propose a new Technical Committee to collaborate on an ongoing basis. Technical Committees often work on a variety of networking, programming, publi- cation, and education activities that are needed in their area of interest. Several ASM Technical Committees have recently formed: • Archaeometallurgy Beach Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention Names New Editor-in-Chief Elvin Beach, The Ohio State Uni- versity, has been named editor-in-chief of the Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention ( JFAP ). He succeeds Michael Stevenson, who served as editor-in- chief from 2011 until his sudden and unexpected passing in March of this year. Beach joined the JFAP editorial team as deputy editor for the journal in mid-2020. Prior to that he was an asso- ciate editor for the Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance since 2014. He has been as associate editor for Metallography, Microstructure, and Anal- ysis since 2013, and continues in that position. Beach is associate professor of practice in materials science and engineering at The Ohio State University. He received his B.S. in metallurgical engineering and M.S. in materials science and engineering from Michigan Techno- logical University and a Ph.D. in materials science and engi- neering from The Ohio State University. At Ohio State, Beach leads new initiatives in labora- tory instruction, training teaching assistants who can sup- port teaching of the labs, developing and implementing hands-on testing and characterization of materials, and coordinating undergraduate student employees to support the educational programs of the department. Maintaining scholarships in engineering education and outreach activ- ities are also part of his role, in addition to overseeing the development and teaching of undergraduate course con- tent. He enjoys creating laboratory-based class experiences that reinforce fundamental concepts learned in core classes and providing context for how these will translate to prac- tice in industry.