HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 1 5 3 ASM Nominating Committee Nominations Due Dec. 15 ASM International is seeking members to serve on the 2022 ASM Nominating Committee. As noted in the ASM Con- stitution, approvedat theASMAnnualMeetingonSeptember 13, 2021, the committee will select a nominee for 2022-2023 senior vice president, (who will serve as president in 2023- 2024), a vice president (who will serve as president in 2024- 2025), and three nominees for trustee. Candidates for this committee can only be proposed by a Chapter through its executive committee, an ASM committee or council, or an affiliate society board. Nominations are due December 15. For more information, contact Leslie Taylor at 440.338.5472, or visit asminternational. org/about/governance/nominating-committee. NOMINATING COMMITTEE FROM THE PRESIDENT’S DESK ASM International: A Decade of Opportunity As I begin my presidential year, I am proud to recognize the solid, multi- year foundation of strategic planning established by prior boards and presi- dents, particularly the initiatives led by President Essock, and to build on these as we enter our next Decade of Oppor- tunity . Together with the ASM staff, we have emerged from the challenges of COVID-19 in stable financial condition with exciting new ways of doing business. Our digital for- ward preparation enabled ASM to pivot almost seamlessly to the virtual world and to enhance our communications with our members, through ASM Connect, and our chapters and global partners, through RingCentral. Our explorations with virtual, hybrid, and in-person meetings were success- ful, financially viable, and strongly supported by our indus- trial members—we are all looking forward to a return to in-person meetings and networking in the coming year. For our digital successes, I would like to pay tribute to Ron Aderhold, who served as ASM’s Chief Operating Offi- cer and Chief Information Officer from 2016, and who led the staff as Interim Managing Director from May 2020. Ron recently accepted a position as Executive Partner with Gart- ner Inc., the world’s largest technology-focused research and advisory group, where he will be a personal coach for executive teams of $1B+ companies, helping them to opti- mize the use of technology in growing their businesses. 2022 Bradley Stoughton Award for Young Teachers Winner receives $3000. Deadline March 1, 2022. This award recognizes excellence in young teachers in the field of materials science, materials engineering, design, and pro- cessing. Do you know a colleague who: • Is a teacher of materials science, materials engineering, design, or processing • Has the ability to impart knowledge and enthusiasm to students • Is 35 years of age or younger by May 15 of the year in which the award is made • Is an ASM member View the forms and rules at membership/awards/nominate. Tonominatesomeone, con- tact for a unique nomination link. Todd “This has been my dream job for the last 15-20 years,” said Ron. Please join me in wishing him every success in his future career. I am pleased to report that at the time of this article going to press, ASM has signed a contract with our next Exec- utive Director—a candidate unanimously supported by the Search Committee and the Board of Trustees and brought to us by our search firm, Korn Ferry—who will join ASM on January 1, 2022. I would like to express my gratitude to Ryan Milosh, ASM Chief Sales and Marketing Officer, who has agreed to serve as Interim Managing Director through December 2021. In this year of exciting transitions, the Board has identi- fied key strategic initiatives that will define our future, going forward. We plan to: • Advance our vision of being the leading global resource for materials information and, in particular, make ASM the “go-to” hub for materials curation, data repository, data access for members, and data analyses tools; • Redefine ASM’s value propositions across all segments of our Society; • Embed sustainability into our strategic plan; and • Become a world leader in articulating and advancing the important and essential role that diversity, equity, and inclusion must play in our Society going forward. Only together can we achieve our purpose. As Past President Furrer has stated at almost all our Board meetings, “Achieving ASM’s vision, mission, and goals is not a sprint but a marathon.” As I initiate ASM’s next phase of our marathon, I see endless possibilities in our future Decade of Opportunity and invite all of you to participate. ASM President Judith Todd, FASM
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