
HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 1 5 2 ASM International Metallographic Society Michael Keeble, U.S. labs and technology manager, Buehler, a division of ITW, succeeds as president of IMS, while Daniel Dennies, FASM, principal and CEO, DMS Inc., remains on the board as immediate past president. Laura Moyer, professor, Lehigh University, is appointed vice pres- ident, and Gee Abraham, STEM writer/editor, Gee Abraham Edits, is reappointed as secretary. Officers serve a two-year term. Pablo Mendoza, laboratory supervisor, Allied High Tech Products, is appointed as member of the IMS board for a two-year term. Jack Grubbs, Worcester Polytechnic Insti- tute, is appointed as student board member for one year. ASM International Organization on Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies SMST president Othmane Benafan, materials research engineer, NASA Glenn Research Center, and vice president/finance officer Adrian McMahon, principal R&D engineer, Boston Scientific SH, welcome these board mem- bers: Timofei Chekalkin, team leader at the R&D center, TiNiKo Co., South Korea, is a new member with a three-year term; and Andreas Undisz, full professor, Technische Uni- versität Chemnitz, Germany, is reappointed for a three-year term. Jeremy Schaffer, senior engineer, Fort Wayne Metals, remains on the board as immediate past president. Faith Gantz, University of North Texas, is reappointed as student board member for one year. ASM Thermal Spray Society TSS president William Lenling, FASM, TSS HoF, founder/CTO, Thermal Spray Technologies Inc., announces new appointments to the TSS Board. Molly O’Connor, R&D prof. advanced ceramic materials, Praxair Surface Technol- ogies, and Daniel Sordelet, FASM, engineering specialist, Caterpillar Inc., are appointed to the board for a three-year term. Timothy McKechnie, FASM, president, Plasma Pro- cesses LLC, is reappointed to the board for a three-year term. Daniel Tejero Martin, University of Nottingham, U.K., is reappointed as student board member, and Shahed Taghian Dehaghani, University of Alberta, Canada, is also appointed student board member. Both appointments are for one year. ASM AFFILIATE BOARD MEMBERS Keeble Dennies Moyer Abraham Mendoza Grubbs Benafan McMahon Schaffer Undisz Chekalkin Gantz Lenling O’Connor Martin McKechnie Sordelet Dehaghani