
In This Issue 43 President Collins Appoints Council Chairs 45 Board Nominations 46 Student Board Member Applications 47 Members in the News 50 Chapter News ASM NEWS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 1 Submit news of ASM and its members, chapters, and affiliate societies to Joanne Miller, editor, ASM News | ASM International 9639 Kinsman Road | Materials Park, OH 44073 | P 440.338.5455 | F 440.338.4634 | E Contact ASM International at 9639 Kinsman Road, Materials Park, OH 44073 | P 440.338.5151 or 800.336.5152 (toll free in U.S. and Canada) | F 440.338.4634 | E | W ASM NEWS 5 1 51 Officers and Board Members 53 From the Preside t’s De k 54 Data Ecosystem Launch 58 Photo Galleri s 6 Members in the News ASM Affiliate Societies Announce New Officers and Board Members In accordance with their Rules of Governance, the ASM Affiliate Societies have completed their elections for officers and board members for 2021. Please join us in welcoming the following appointments. ASM Electronic Device Failure Analysis Society EDFAS president, James Demarest, FASM, senior engineer, International Business Machine, and vice presi- dent/finance officer Felix Beaudoin, FASM, PMTS product development engineer, GlobalFoundries, welcome David Grosjean, senior staff engineer, Butterfly Network, as a new member for a three-year term. Tom Schamp, principal consulting scientist, Materials Analytical Services, is reap- pointed for a three-year term. Lee Knauss, FASM, director, engineering and science, Booz Allen Hamilton, immediate past president, and Renee Parente, senior program man- ager, AMD, secretary, remain on the board. Officers serve a two-year term. Tommaso Melis, University of Grenoble Alpes, France, is appointed as student board member for one year. ASM Failure Analysis Society Daniel Dennies, FASM, principal and CEO, DMS Inc., succeeds as president of FAS, while James Lane, director, materials science practice, Rimkus Consulting Group Inc., remains on the board as immediate past president. Andrew Havics, pH2 LLC, is appointed vice president and Margaret Flury, principal materials engineer, Medtronic, is appointed secretary. Officers serve a two-year term. Joseph Quinn, principal materials consultant, Materials FACT, and Milo Kral, professor, University of Canterbury, New Zealand, are appointed as new members to the FAS board for a three- year term. Alexandria Springer, materials engineer/quality specialist, Advanced Heat Treatment Corp., is appointed emerging professional board member and Gladys Duran, Instituto Tecnologico de Morelia, is reappointed as student board member. Both appointments are for one year. ASM Heat Treating Society The HTS board appointed a vice president, secretary, and two new members, and reappointed one member to the board. They also appointed an emerging professional board member and reappointed a student board member. See page 4 of HTPro in this issue for the full story. ASM NEWS Knauss Demarest Beaudoin Lane Dennies Havics Grosjean Parente Duran Schamp Melis Quinn Flury Kral Springer