FEATURE A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 1 3 9 HEAT TREATING SOCIETY NEWS SOUSA WINS 2021 HTS/BODYCOTE BEST PAPER IN HEAT TREATING AWARD The winner of the 2021 ASMHTS/ Bodycote Best Paper in Heat Treat- ing Award is entitled, “Phase Frac- tion Quantification in Austempered Steels by Nanomechanical Mapping: AISI 5160 as a Case Study” by Bryer Sousa, Ph.D. student at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute. The ASM Heat Treating Society established the Best Paper in Heat Treating Award in 1997 to recognize a paper that represents advancement in heat treating technology, promotes heat treating in a substantial way, or represents a clear ad- vancement in managing the business of heat treating. The award includes a plaque and $2500 cash prize endowed by Bodycote Thermal Process-North America. FRAME WINS PROF. VALENTIN S. NEMKOV ACADEMIC RESEARCH AWARD Lesley Frame, through her roles as assistant profes- sor at University of Connecticut and director of the Center for Materials Data Processing, has won the Prof. Valentin S. Nemkov Academic Research Award, presented at Heat Treat 21 in St. Louis. Frame was awarded for her contribu- tion to excellent research that was part of the traditional oral program, Fluxtrol Student Poster Competition, and the inaugural Strong Bar Competition, in addition to par- ticipating on the organizing committee for the event and acting as a session chair. The award is Fluxtrol Inc.’s annual recognition pro- gram for post-doctoral researchers, lecturers, and profes- sors (academic researchers) that is presented to the re- searcher who had the greatest impact on that year’s event in the area of thermal processing of materials. 4 Sousa The winner of the 2021 HTS Strong Bar Competition, sponsored by MTS, is teaMAT from the University Instituto Technologico De Morelia, Mexico. Fluxtrol Student Research Competition, 1st place winner, Ethan Hoyt, Colorado School of Mines. Fluxtrol Student Research Competition, 2nd place winner, Michelle Kent, Colorado School of Mines. Fluxtrol Student Research Competition, 3rd place winner, Joseph Boettcher, MolyCop USA. 5
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