FEATURE A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 1 3 8 SCHMIDT RECEIVES 2021 GEORGE H. BODEEN HEAT TREATING ACHIEVEMENT AWARD Frederick E. Schmidt, Jr., FASM, director materi- als technology, Advanced Applied Service, Engineering Systems Inc., St. Charles, Ill., is the recipient of the 2021 George H. Bodeen Heat Treating Achievement Award. Established by the ASM Heat Treating Society in 1996, the award recognizes distinguished and significant contri- butions to the field of heat treating through leadership, management, or engineering development of substantial commercial impact. Schmidt is recognized “for seminal thermal processing innovations for 40 years, developing and successfully implementing cost-effective technology. The establishment of novel heat treatment uses of com- mercial equipment, for military/ordnance, and strategic industrial processes.” HTS NAMES NEW OFFICERS AND BOARD MEMBERS Lesley Frame, assistant professor, University of Con- necticut, succeeds as president of the Heat Treating So- ciety (HTS), while Eric Hutton , vice president operations, ADE North America East, Bodycote remains on the board as immediate past president and treasurer. Benjamin Ber- nard serves as vice president and Deidra Minerd serves as secretary. Officers serve a two-year term. In addition, the following members were appointed to the HTS Board for a three-year term: Allen (Jeff) Fuller, manager of process quality, Amsted Rail Brenco, and Lee Rothleutner, manager of materials R&D, The Timken Com- pany. Fred Hamizadeh, director of manufacturing ser- vices, American Axle & Manufacturing, will serve a second three-year term. Carlos Torres, president and CEO, MATT- SA CRIO Group, was appointed as emerging professional board member for a one-year term, and Rodolfo Canales Garcia, Instituto Technologica de Morelia, was appointed to serve a second term as student board member. 3 Frame Hutton Bernard Minerd Fuller Rothleutner Hamizadeh Torres Garcia Schmidt’s 2021 Award. SUNDARESH RECEIVES 2021 ASM/ HTS SURFACE COMBUSTION EMERGING LEADER AWARD The ASM HTS/Surface Combus- tion Emerging Leader Award was established in 2013 to recognize an outstanding early to mid-career heat treating professional whose ac- complishments exhibit exceptional achievements in the heat treating in- dustry. The award, endowed by Sur- face Combustion, includes a check for $4000. The winning young profes- sional will best exemplify the ethics, education, ingenuity and future leadership of our industry. Shlok Sundaresh, engineering manager – North America, Techniques Surface USA, Dublin, Ohio, is recognized “for outstanding leader- ship and technical expertise in heat treatment, especially in development and application of nitriding/nitrocarburiz- ing technologies across diverse market segments such as automotive, industrial machinery, and oil and gas.” Sundaresh H T EATING SOCIETY NEWS 4
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