A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 1 6 SHAPESHIFTING LIQUID CRYSTAL Physicists at Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, and Tufts Univer- sity, Medford, Mass., report changing the shape of a flat liquid crystal surface without applying any local stimulus. “This is a groundbreaking accomplish- ment and could prove to be the start- ing point for future applications—many which we cannot yet imagine,” says Case physics professor Charles Rosen- blatt, one of the lead researchers. Pre- viously, scientists who have similarly transformed the shape of liquid crys- tal surfaces have done so by using heat, light, or another force applieddirectly to the undisturbed surface. This team took a new path, changing the liquid crystal surface simply by placing a patterned substrate on the opposite side of a thin film in which the molecules are aligned in parallel. Future applications could lead to improvements in microchips and development of fluid microscop- ic tools that could perform repairs less invasively, flowing back into their orig- inal shape after use. In the new work, the team manipulated what Rosenblatt calls “an orientable Newtonian liquid,” a nematic liquid crystal that behaves predictably when an outside stimulus is RESEARCH TRACKS applied. The nematic phase consists of cigar-shaped molecules arranged par- allel to each other, but which can flow like water. Consider that when a glass is filled with water, the surface where the air and water meet is essentially flat. In this case, the researchers forced the liquid crystal/air interface to change shape by exploiting the orientability of the molecules that comprise the liq- uid crystal. To do that, the team placed the patterned substrate on the oppo- site side of a thin nematic film. By doing so, they were able to control the alignment of molecules throughout the material. This resulted in a predetermined “bumpy” surface where the liquid and air meet—accom- plished without any stimu- lus at the surface and with- out any control beyond the patterned bottom of the pool far from the surface. The rela- tive change was as much as a 30-70% increase in height from a flat surface. Next, the team will next work on fine-tuning the surface shape by applying an external elec- tric field and varying temper- ature. Liquid crystals in the nematic phase, in which their rod-like molecules line up in a disorderly yet parallel manner. Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons. NEW SILICON CARBIDE FABRICATION FACILITY Engineering researchers at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, re- ceived $17.87 million from the Nation- al Science Foundation to build and op- erate a national silicon carbide research and fabrication facility. The team is led by Prof. Alan Mantooth. The open ac- cess center will fill a void in U.S. produc- tion of integrated circuits made with silicon carbide. Currently, all silicon car- bide fabrication facilities in the U.S. are for internal use only, so U.S. research and development of silicon carbide in- tegrated circuits relies on international fabrication. The new center will provide do- mestic opportunities for prototyping, proof-of-principle demonstrations, and device design. It will be the only openly accessible fabrication facility of its kind in the U.S. with services available to ex- ternal researchers. The aim is to provide integrated circuits, sensors, and devic- es for military and industrial applica- tions such as solar inverters, electron- ics for cars, and systems used in heavy equipment and space exploration. Alan Mantooth at the University of Arkansas, future home of an open access domestic silicon carbide fabrication facility.
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