AMP 05 July 2021

A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 2 1 5 2 iTSSe TSS iTSSe TSS Author Name Institute Name Country Code Lugscheider, E., FASM, TSS-HoF Institut fuer Oberflaechentechnik DEU Matthews, Allan University of Manchester GBR McCartney, David Graham University of Nottingham GBR McPherson, R., TSS-HoF Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization AUS Miller, Robert A., TSS-HoF Vantage Partners, LLC (NASA GRC Contractor) USA Moreau, Christian, FASM, TSS-HoF Concordia University CAN Mostaghimi, Javad, FASM, TSS-HoF University of Toronto CAN Munroe, Paul University of New South Wales (UNSW) Australia AUS Padture, Nitin P. Brown University USA Pawłowski, Lech, TSS-HoF Universite de Limoges FRA Rybicki, Edmund F., FASM FNACE (University of Tulsa) USA Sampath, Sanjay, FASM, TSS-HoF Stony Brook University USA Schadler, Linda S., FASM University of Vermont USA Sohn, Yongho, FASM University of Central Florida USA Stöver, Detlev, TSS-HoF Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ) DEU Sundararajan, G., FASM International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy and New Materials, Hyderabad IND Teixeira, Vasco Universidade do Minho PRT Tillmann, Wolfgang TU Dortmund University DEU Vaßen, Robert, FASM, TSS-HoF Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ) DEU Vasudevan, A.K., FASM Technical Data Analysis, Inc. USA Villafuerte, Julio CenterLine (Windsor) Ltd. CAN Vuoristo, Petri, FASM, TSS-HoF Tampereen Yliopisto FIN Xiao, Ping University of Manchester GBR Yang, Guan Jun Xi’an Jiaotong University CHN Yue, Stephen, FASM McGill University CAN Zhu, Dongming, FASM NASA Glenn Research Center USA Note: Names listed are identified as having an association with the Thermal Spray Society and its broader community. Refer to the original source to uncover inadvertent errors of omission. Institutions are as listed on the Stanford study and may not be the current affiliation. Key to the Country Codes: AUS: Australia; CAN: Canada; CHE: Switzerland; CHN: China; DEU: Germany; ESP: Spain; FIN: Finland; FRA: France; GBR: United Kingdom; IND: India; ITA: Italy; JPN: Japan; KOR: Korea; LVA: Latvia; PRT: Portugal; SGP: Singapore; SWE: Sweden; and USA: United States. TABLE 1 — MEMBERS OF TSS COMMUNITY ON STANFORD’S TOP 2%MOST-CITED WORLD SCIENTISTS (continued) FEATURE 6