AMP 05 July 2021

CURRENT ASSETS 2020 F/N 2019 CASH AND SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS $25,000 $10,674 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Receivables $8,050 1/ $40,505 Prepaids 0 0 Inventory 0 0 TOTAL CURRENTASSETS $33,050 $51,180 INVESTMENTS AT MARKET VALUE CAMP 1 Funds (fixed interest) $21,235 $20,734 Balance of Funds $14,881,237 $14,645,725 TOTAL PORTFOLIO AT MARKET VALUE $14,902,472 2/ $14,666,459 Debt Owed by ASMI $101,464 3/ 0 Life Insurance Cash Surrender Value $9,271 $8,042 Fixed Assets - Fundraising Software 0 0 Accumulated Depreciation - Fundraising Software 0 0 TOTAL ASSETS $15,046,257 $14,725,681 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION (PRE-AUDIT) DECEMBER 2020 & 2019 CURRENT LIABILITIES 2020 F/N 2019 Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses $534 $1,146 Borrowings Under the Line of Credit $382,245 $460,707 Deferred Revenue (Future Camps) 0 0 Debt Owed to ASMI 0 4/ $892 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES $382,779 $462,743 LONG-TERM LIABILITIES Long-Term Liabilities $69,217 $67,882 Deferred Interest Income 0 0 TOTAL LONG-TERM LIABILITIES $69,217 $67,882 NET ASSETS Unrestricted Net Assets $1,885,618 $1,217,818 Operating $1,557,354 $2,032,700 Unrealized gain (loss) on investments $1,124,121 5/ $2,282,269 TOTAL UNRESTRICTED NET ASSETS $4,567,093 $5,532,788 RESTRICTED NET ASSETS Temporarily Restricted $1,370,980 $1,099,825 Permanently Restricted (Adjusted) $2,162,758 6/ $1,008,521 Board Designated Restricted $6,493,429 $6,553,921 TOTAL RESTRICTED NET ASSETS $10,027,167 $8,662,267 TOTAL NET ASSETS $14,594,260 $14,195,055 TOTAL LIABILITIES & NET ASSETS $15,046,257 $14,725,681 ASSETS LIABILITIES & ASSETS FINANCIALS FOOTNOTES 1/ Accruals of contributions and pledges. 2/ Market value of the investment portfolio, variance to statement due to rounding. 3/ ASMI debt to ASMMEF - See #4 and #5 below. 4/ ASMMEF debt to ASMI - Payments processed quarterly. Do not anticipate a balance here until after Summer Camp programs are complete. 5/ This represents difference between market value and cost value of the investment portfolio reflecting the overall market growth in the portfolio. 6/ Permanently restricted funds - adjusted for shortfalls