HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | M A Y / J U N E 2 0 2 1 7 5 uted significantly to the success of the India Task Force in enabling new ideas, targets, and achievements for the ongo- ing growth of ASM in India. He also fostered partnerships with other societies in the materials community of India. “Prem was a family man in every sense. He was ‘the middle brother’ sandwiched between his older brother Lalit and younger brother Shashi. Prem had his education in mechanical engineering at Bombay University followed by graduate study at Kansas State University. After a brief industrial stint in fire safety systems in the U.S., he returned to join his brothers. Together they ran a successful business manufacturing heat treatment furnaces and fire systems. Prem was indeed valuable as a deal maker and prob- lem solver. “I was enthralled by the passion, commitment, and total dedication of Prem to the mission of ASM. When he came to ASM as a trustee, many heard me address him as ‘Premji’ (with the honorific suffix ‘ji’), and he became Premji for all of us. Indeed, Premji stands out in our hearts as a star, inspiring the volunteers of ASM International.” – C. Ravi Ravindran, FASM, ASM past president “Prem was an outstanding leader and individual. He had the highest levels of ethics, integrity, and sense of com- munity. ASM has lost a pillar in our community.” – David Furrer, FASM, ASM past president “We shall all remember the progressive and creative contributions of brother Premji to ASM as culminated by his trustee volunteer service. Personally, my presidential pil- grimage to India hosted by Prem was the most significant initiative of my year of service.” – Fred Schmidt, FASM, ASM past president “I am deeply saddened by Prem’s passing. He was a humble man who exercised significant leadership through his indefatigable pursuit of a global ASM vision.” – William E. Frazier, FASM, ASM past president “Premwas one of the most down-to-earth people, will- ing to do everything or anything for ASM. His outstanding leadership and contributions toward the development of ASM in India have been well recognized by leaders of ASM headquarters.” – Ashok Kumar Tiwari, FASM, India Council chair Notre Dame Explores Historic Coin The February 15 meeting of the ASMNotre Dame Chap- ter welcomed Patricia Silvana Carrizo for a unique archaeo- metallurgical presentation. Her talk was on “Conservation of a Historical Copper Coin from 1853.” The coin was res- cued from the Fort May 25 Village in Mendoza, Argentina. Carrizo is a chemical engineering and archaeometallurgy specialist at the National Technological University in Argen- tina. The recording of her talk is available to all members on ASM Connect. Historical copper coin from 1853. Pune Installs MA Chapter Of cers Cummins College of Engineer- ing Women in Pune, India, organized an installation ceremony for its Mate- rial Advantage (MA) Student Chapter affiliated with the ASM Pune Chapter. The new MA executive members were announced by faculty advisor Prof. Yogesh Dandekar and congratulated by principal B.P. Joshi. Marissa Reigel, chair of the IDEA Committee (inclusion, diversity, equity, and awareness) was the chief guest at the virtual meeting. Reigel is R&D execution manager at Savan- nah River National Laboratory in South Carolina. Pradeep Goyal, FASM, and past trustee of ASM International, pro- vided a technical talk on microwave heating. Goyal is man- aging director of Pradeep Metals Ltd. Reigel Congratulations to these ASM Chapters celebrating milestones of serving local members! Kanpur — 1 Year Los Alamos — 75 Years Thank you for your commitment! We look forward to celebrating your future success! At Delhi Chapter visit in traditional Indian Punjabi dress. From le : Fred Schmidt, Prem Aurora, and Ashok Tiwari. CHAPTERS IN THE NEWS
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