
HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | M A Y / J U N E 2 0 2 1 7 2 ASM-IIM ACCEPTING NOMINATIONS FOR LECTURESHIP AWARDS ASM-IIM Visiting Lectureship Award in India Every year, many members of ASM International who study or work outside of India make brief personal visits to India. The visiting lectureship brings together such qualified visitors and the appropriate organizations in India and pro- vides an honorarium for travel within India. This cooperative program of ASM and the Indian Institute of Materials (IIM) is intended to promote international cooperation and provide a useful service to ASM members. ASM-IIM North American Visiting Lectureship Following the success of the ASM-IIM Visiting Lecture- ship program, ASM and IIM jointly established and funded a new ASM-IIM program in 2013. The lectureship provides an honorarium of $2000 for qualified IIM members to travel to the United States and Canada. Nomination deadline is June 15. Access a sample form, rules, and request a unique nomination link at FROM THE FOUNDATION Nurturing Seeds of Materials Science As we transition to warmer weather in the Northern Hemisphere, many people are happy with the abil- ity to take more walks outside, flowers blooming, the smell of freshly cut grass, and not wearing bulky layers of cloth- ing for warmth. Students and teachers also look forward to summer as a break from school, although this is when we ramp up our ASM Materials Camps for learning, which is fun for all attend- ees. Last summer stretched our creativity and resources to create online versions of our Materials Camps. They were well received, and we look forward to offering them again this summer. The saying “April showers bring May flowers” is the perfect expression to describe our organization preparing our teachers and students throughout the school year by watering and nurturing them with resources. During our watering season, we prepare them for engaging and edu- cational activities through ASM Materials Camp for teachers and students to blossom into beautiful May flowers. The resources gained through attending our camps influences students to learn more about materials science and engi- neering and possibly pursuing a career in this field. Just as farmers and other gardeners plant seeds in the spring to see them come to life in summer and fall, the ASM Materials Education Foundation plants seeds of materials science to grow the next generation of engineers, scien- tists, technicians, manufacturers, entrepreneurs, and more. Materials science is an ideal introduction to many of these in-demand career pathways. The ASM Foundation, likewise, is looking at the best ways to grow and expand programming to reach more teachers and students: in new locations, across socio- economic lines, and through new programs and resources. Your help, now and in the future, is the best way to ensure growth in our reach and programming. Thank you for your ongoing support! Glenn S. Daehn, FASM Chair, ASM Materials Education Foundation Daehn Seeking Nominations for Thermal Spray Hall of Fame The Thermal Spray Hall of Fame, established in 1993 by the Thermal Spray Society of ASM International, recognizes and honors outstanding leaders who have made significant contributions to the science, technology, practice, educa- tion, management, and advancement of thermal spray. For a copy of the rules, nomination form, and list of pre- vious recipients, visit or contact Nominations are due September 30. Classes Have Returned to the Dome! In-person courses are now being taught again at the Dome—and many are now available in yet another new for- mat: hybrid courses, where students can attend live sessions either in-person or virtually. The ASM team and ASM expert instructors are excited to get back to learning in the special setting that only the ASM Dome classrooms can provide, especially with the state-of-the-art lab equipment that has generously been made available to ASM students thanks to donations from member corporations. The first course ran on April 19-21, a little over one year after the last in-person course following the global shutdown due to the pandemic. The Basics of Heat Treating course was delivered to students attending in person, as well as one student who attended the live session virtually. ASM will continue to offer this format on an ongoing basis for courses that are not 100% lab-based. In addition, the Society has invested in audio and visual conferencing technologies to enable a seamless experience for the students and the instructor in our class- rooms. Check out the 2021 course listings on our Education web page to identify which courses will be offered through- out the remainder of the year both in-person, virtually, or hybrid. FROM THE FOUNDATION