HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | M A Y / J U N E 2 0 2 1 7 0 FROM THE PRESIDENT’S DESK Principles of a Stronger Community To ensure the success and growth of ASM International, one of the key ini- tiatives put forth in the Strategic Plan 2020 – 2025 is as follows: Cultivate a foundational culture and practice of diversity, equity, and inclusion for all ASM stakeholders. Thriving in the modern climate will require full engagement of the entire breadth and depth of the mate- rials community. Under the guidance of the Diversity Board Task Force led by Trustee Elizabeth Hoffman and assisted by Navin Manjooran, the ASM International Principles of a Stronger Community were developed. Hoffman states, “ASM International values each of our diverse members and recognizes the strength of the Society is in its members. The Society desires to provide a welcoming environment for all individuals working in the global materials community.” With the intent of increased clarity and transparency of the Society’s stance regarding inclusivity, the ASM Board of Trustees has approved the ASM International Principles of a Stronger Community. The principles described in this doc- ument are applicable to all activities and events associated with ASM International. The document shown below is also accessible on the ASM website for future reference. ASM President Diana Essock, FASM Essock FROM THE PRESIDENT’S DESK
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