HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | M A Y / J U N E 2 0 2 1 6 9 In Summer 2020, the 2020-2021 ASM Board of Trust- ees prioritized a comprehensive revision of the ASM Constitution and Bylaws (Governance Documents). Last revised in 2004, the ASM Constitution required review and revision to ensure compliance with current State of Ohio regulations, internal consistency of requirements, and completeness of definitions and statements for criti- cal governance issues. An ad-hoc Governance Document Review committee, led by ASM Past Presidents David Furrer and Sunniva Collins, was charged to perform the review and present changes to the ASM Board. The major changes are as follows: • Reintroduction of the second Vice President role, part of the society’s original governance structure: The reintroduction of this position provides for a Senior Vice President and a Vice President, as opposed to the current single Vice President. This role was added to enhance continuity and allow for redistribution of Board leadership duties. • Definition and relationship of ASM International and its A iliate Societies: A new Article was added to provide this framework. The previous version of the ASM Constitution was silent on A iliate Societies, as they were not part of ASM’s governance structure in 2004. • Eligibility for nomination of ASM Vice President expanded to include past A iliate Society Presidents: Nomination of ASM Vice President had been previously reserved only for past members of the ASM Board of Trustees. This change expands the volunteer leadership pool and enhances connections with ASM’s A iliate Societies. The document structure was reviewed and harmo- nized. Editorial, grammatical, and terminology updates were completed, including use of gender-neutral terms and more comprehensive diversity/equity/inclusion state- ments. The title of Managing Director was updated to Executive Director. Finally, a comprehensive legal review was performed with outside counsel. The Governance Document Review committee and the Board of Trustees feel that the revised ASM Constitu- tion will provide for increased cohesiveness and contin- ued growth of ASM International. To review the revised ASM Constitution, as approved by the ASM Board of Trustees on April 22, visit https://www.asminternational . org/about/governance. The revised ASM Constitution will be voted on by the ASM Membership during the 2021 Annual Meeting to be held virtually on September 13, 4:00-5:00 p.m. UPDATE AND REVISION OF ASM CONSTITUTION ASM CONSTITUTION REVISION ASM International Opens Search for Executive Director ASM International has recently partnered with Korn Ferry in the search for an Executive Director. The Executive Director will help build on the organization’s rich legacy of providing scientific, engineering, and technical knowledge, education, networking, and professional development for members, while advancing the mission and ensuring a vibrant future for the organization and its members. ASM International seeks candidates of high ethical integrity, global mindset, relevant industry experience, and a mini- mum of 15 years of senior-level leadership in an organiza- tion of similar scope and complexity. Interested applicants can access the full position spec, as well as submit resumes and letters of interest on Korn Ferry’s website at There is no dead- line to submit materials and the application process will remain open until the position is filled.
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