
HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | M A Y / J U N E 2 0 2 1 6 8 ASM Nominations The ASM International Constitution provides that members of the Society may submit additional nomina- tions after the Nominating Committee has made its offi- cial report. Article V, Section 6, of the ASM Constitution reads: “After publication of the Nominating Committee’s report on nominees, and the Board report on its nom- inee for Treasurer, and at any time prior to July 15 of the same year, additional nominations for any or all of the vacancies may be made in writing to the Secretary at Headquarters. Such nominations must be signed by at least five individuals or Chapter Sustaining Members, each from any combination of at least 10 Chapters and/ or ASM Committees. Such nominees shall be processed by the Secretary for compliance with Section 4 of this Article. This shall be the only way in which additional nominations may be made. The membership of ASM International shall be duly notified of such additional nominations.” Indian Nuclear Society Medal, Frank Newman Speller Award fromNACE, MASCOT National Award, ONGC Corrosion Excel- lence and NACE Meritorious Corrosion Awards, and Distin- guished Achievement Award from the ASM Chennai Chapter. Dr. James E. Saal Nominee for Trustee James Saal is the manager of External Research Programs at Citrine Informatics. Saal manages Citrine’s government-funded research pro- grams advancing the state of the art in materials informatics with academic, government, and industrial collabo- rators. Before joining Citrine in 2018, Saal was manager of technology at QuesTek Innovations LLC, leading programs in alloy design and ICME methods development. Saal earned his B.S. in materials science and engi- neering from Rice University in 2005, and his Ph.D. in mate- rial science and engineering from The Pennsylvania State University in 2010, where he focused on the integration of density functional theory with CALPHAD. He continued postdoctoral study at Northwestern University, developing a high-throughput materials property database and study- ing Mg and Co-base alloys. Since then, Saal has specialized in computational simulation of process-structure-property relationships, ICME design of new materials, and the use of data-driven methods in materials science. His research has included alloys, ceramics, and polymers, and diverse prop- erties such as corrosion, additive manufacturing printabil- ity, and thermoelectric performance. Saal is the author of over 50 peer-reviewed publica- tions, several patents on designed alloys, and a co-edited book on computational materials system design. Before moving to Hawaii in 2018, Saal was a longtime member and volunteer of the ASM Chicago Regional Chapter, including chapter chair. He currently serves on ASM’s Phase Diagram and Finance Committees and organizes artificial intelli- gence and machine learning for materials programming for ASM’s IMAT conference. University, and formerly distinguished scientist, chief executive and chairman of the Heavy Water Board, Mumbai, during 2017-2020. He managed seven plants for the production of heavy water and specialty materials. Earlier at the Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam, he served as director of Materials Chemistry and Metal Fuel Cycle. Mudali is in the world’s top 2% of scientists in the materials field from India, with 465 journal publications, five patents, and 9100 citations with an h-index of 43. He has co-edited 20 books/proceedings and is editor-in-chief of the IIM-Springer book series and associate editor of the Journal of the Electrochemical Society of India (ECSI). Mudali was professor and senior professor of HBNI University, DAE, during 2006-2017, and is an adjunct faculty of the Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, and PSG Institute of Advanced Studies, Coimbatore. He is a fellow of 12 societies. Mudali was president of the Indian Institute of Metals (2019-20). He has occupied leadership positions in ECSI, Bangalore; NACE International India Section; Indian Insti- tute of Chemical Engineers, MRC; Governing Council of Indian National Academy of Engineering; East Asia Pacific Area of NACE International; and chairman of ASM Interna- tional, Chennai Chapter (2015-2017). Mudali received the Distinguished Alumnus Award from IIT Bombay where he received his M.Tech. Corrosion Engi- neering in 1984, and the Distinguished Alumnus Award from PSGCollege of Technology, Coimbatore, where he earnedhis M.Sc. in 1982. Other honors include: Homi Bhabha Science and Technology Award, GD Birla Gold Medal, VASVIK Award, Of cial ASM Annual Business Meeting Notice The Annual Business Meeting of members of ASM International will be held virtually on: Monday, September 13 - 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. The purpose of the ASM Annual Business Meeting is the election of officers for the 2020-21 term, approval of proposed changes to the ASM Constitution, and transaction of other Society business. Mudali Saal ASM NOMINATIONS