FEATURE A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | M A Y / J U N E 2 0 2 1 5 5 development engineer, Los Alamos National Laboratory, was named chair of the HTS Membership Subcommittee. Timothy De Hennis, senior metallurgist, Boeing, and Chuck Faulkner, commercial development manager, Quaker Houghton, continue to serve as co-chairs of the HTS Exposition Subcommittee. If you are interested in serving on an HTS committee, contact the respective committee chair or email HTS HONORS PRIME CONTRIBUTORS In 2017, ASM’s Heat Treating Society R&D Commit- tee established a new recognition for the best papers in the heat treat industry each year. To be considered for the ASM Heat Treating Society Prime Contributor recognition, papers must appear in either the HTPro newsletter or be published in ASM’s Heat Treat conference proceedings. All manuscripts from industrial companies (not universities or national labs) are automatically considered on an annual basis. Papers are judged on several criteria, including pro- duction readiness, breadth of potential applications, and writing clarity, among other factors. The aim of the honor is twofold—to recognize out- standing industry-focused manuscripts and to encourage submissions to both HTPro and the Heat Treat conference, which takes place every other year. During years without the Heat Treat conference, other ASM heat treating con- ference proceedings will be considered. Winners for 2020 include the following authors and their companies: • Liang He, Thomas Phillips, Donald J. Bowe, Guido Plicht, and Mark K. Weise of Air Products and Chemicals for their article, “Understanding and Optimizing Nitrogen-Hydrogen Furnace Atmospheres for Annealing,” published in the February/March 2020 issue of HTPro . • Steve Offley of Phoenix Temperature Measurement for his paper, “Thru-Process Temperature Profiling and Surveying,” published in the May/June 2020 issue of HTPro . Winners receive a plaque and a digital logo for use in promoting their awards. For more information, contact Vicki Burt at HEAT TREATING SOCIETY NEWS 4 ASM HEAT TREATING SOCIETY NAMES COMMITTEE CHAIRS FOR 2020-2021 TERM The ASM Heat Treating Society (HTS) board appoint- ed chairs to each of its committees for the 2020-2021 term. Eric Hutton, VP operations, Bodycote, serves as president of HTS. James P. Oakes, VP business development, Su- per Systems Inc., serves as HTS immediate past president and treasurer, as well as chair of the HTS Awards & Nom- inations and the HTS Finance Committees. Mohammed Maniruzzaman, engineering specialist, Caterpillar Inc., continues as chair of the HTS Education Subcommittee. Michael A. Pershing, senior technical steward, Caterpillar Inc., continues as chair of the HTS Research & Develop- ment Committee. Dennis Beauchesne, general manager, ECM USA Inc., continues as chair of the HTS Technology & Programming Committee. Collin Russell, research and 3 Hutton Faulkner Oakes Maniruzzaman Pershing Beauchesne Russell De Hennis
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