
4 9 A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | A P R I L 2 0 2 1 Shape Memory & Superelastic Technologies APRIL 2021 | VOL. 3 | ISSUE 1 4 8 DIRECT ELECTRICAL ACTIVATIONOF THE SHAPEMEMORY EFFECT EDITORIAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR SMST NEWSWIRE IN 2021 The editorial focus for the SMST NewsWire in 2021 reflects shape memory and superelastic technologies for biomedical, actuator applications, and emerging markets. April | October To contribute an article, contact Joanne Miller at joanne.miller@asminternational.org. To advertise, contact Kelly Johanns at kelly.johanns@asminternational.org. ABOUT THE COVER A triangular-shaped inclusion is present at the fatigue crack initiation site for a Nitinol specimen subjected to cyclic fatigue loading. Courtesy of the FDA. EDITOR Othmane Benafan MANAGING EDITOR Joanne Miller LAYOUT AND DESIGN Jan Nejedlik, Design By J, LLC PRODUCTION MANAGER Kelly Sukol ADVERTISING Kelly Johanns 440.318.4702 kelly.johanns@asminternational.org SHAPE MEMORY AND SUPERELASTIC SOCIETY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Othmane Benafan, President Adrian McMahon, Vice President, Finance Officer Jeremy E. Schaffer, Immediate Past President SMST NewswireTM is published twice a year by ASM International®, 9639 Kinsman Road, Materials Park, OH 44073, 440.338.5151; asminternational.org. Vol. 3, No. 1. Copyright © 2021 by ASM International®. All rights reserved. The acceptance and publication of manuscripts in SMST NewsWire does not imply that the editors or ASM International ® accept, approve, or endorse the data, opinions, and conclusions of the authors. Although manuscripts published in SMST Newswire are intended to have archival significance, author’s data and interpretations are frequently insufficient to be directly translatable to specific design, production, testing, or performance applications without independent examination and verification of their applicability and suitability by professionally qualified personnel. DEPARTMENTS 2 | EDITORIAL 3 | ASM SHAPE MEMORY AND SUPERELASTIC TECHNOLOGIES NEWS 12 | SMJ HIGHLIGHTS AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION ON SHAPE MEMORY AND SUPERELASTIC TECHNOLOGIES FDAGUIDANCE ON MEDICAL DEVICES CONTAININGNITINOL 1