
A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | A P R I L 2 0 2 1 4 2 iTSSe TSS iTSSe TSS 9 PARAMETER DEVELOPMENT VIA IN SITU RESIDUAL STRESS MEASUREMENT AND POST-DEPOSITION ANALYSIS OF COLD SPRAY CuNi COATINGS Robert F. Brown, Gregory M. Smith, John Potter, and Timothy J. Eden Developing dense, well-adhered coatings with minimal heterogeneity via cold spray deposition has been a challenge because in-flight and layer-by-layer diagnostics has not yet been adequately adapted to complement existing post-deposition analyses and parameter process mapping. This study presents an empirical and analytical approach for development and optimization of requisite spray parameters via the cold spray solid-state consolidation process using the in situ beam curvature technique to assess particle dynamics during deposition, in conjunction with post-deposition analyses. Here, CuNi (62/38) powder was deposited onto CuNi (70/30) substrates and monitored with an in situ beam curvature sensor to provide real-time feedback of the coating’s evolving stress states during the deposition process and subsequent residual stress determination immediately after deposition. (Fig. 1) The Journal of Thermal Spray Technology (JTST), the official journal of the ASM Thermal Spray Society, publishes contributions on all aspects—fundamental and practical—of thermal spray science, including processes, feedstock manufacture, testing, and characterization. As the primary vehicle for thermal spray information transfer, its mission is to synergize the rapidly advancing thermal spray industry and related industries by presenting research and development efforts leading to advancements in implementable engineering applications of the technology. Articles from the December 2020 and January 2021 issues are highlighted here. The January issue is a special issue on Selected and Expanded Papers Based on Abstracts Submitted for the 2020 International Thermal Spray Conference (ITSC 2020) (Event canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic). The last three articles highlighted below are from this special issue. In addition to the print publication, JTST is available online through springerlink.com. For more information, visit asminternational.org/tss. THERMAL SPRAYED PHOTOCATALYTIC COATINGS FOR BIOCIDAL APPLICATIONS: A REVIEW Yi Liu, Jing Huang, Xiaohua Feng, and Hua Li There have been ever-growing demands for disinfection of water and air in recent years. Efficient, eco-friendly, and cost-effective methods of disinfection for pathogens are vital to the health of human beings. The photocatalysis route has attracted worldwide attention due to its highly efficient oxidative capabilities and sustainable recycling, which can be used to realize the disinfection purposes without secondary pollution. In this review, various photocatalytic materials and corresponding inactivation mechanisms for virus, bacteria, and fungus are briefly introduced. The thermal-sprayed photocatalysts and their antimicrobial performances are summarized. Finally, the future perspectives of the photocatalytic disinfection coatings for potential applications are discussed. (Fig. 2) Fig. 1 — (a) Nozzle section view and temperature distribution profile (b) without and (c) with heat exchanger. Fig. 2 — Recyclable iron oxides-containing photocatalysts for bacterial inactivation. PERSPECTIVES ON ENVIRONMENTAL BARRIER COATINGS MANUFACTURED VIA AIR PLASMA SPRAY ON CERAMIC MATRIX COMPOSITES: A TUTORIAL PAPER Kang N. Lee, Dongming Zhu, and Rogerio S. Lima There are many sets of information in the literature (e.g., papers, books, and websites) about the great achievements 10 JTST HIGHLIGHTS