
A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | A P R I L 2 0 2 1 3 4 iTSSe TSS iTSSe TSS 2 CAN YOU SEE OUR TSS SCREEN? Can you see my screen? Do you see my presentation?” These words have become part of our daily lives over the past year as many of us, especially in the academic world, have been working remotely and sharing research online. We have all been challenged in various ways and forced to develop and use new communication tools to minimize physical contact while maintaining safe in-person activities when there is no virtual option. Graduate students all around theworld have been adapting to the situation and have tried to make the best of it. While research lab access has been limited—with some periods where labs were completely closed—students have beenmodels of resilienceand foundcreativeways tomakeup for the lack of lab time. Cancellation of the vast majority of international conferences in 2020 was potentially one of themost detrimental aspects of the pandemic for these students, career-wise, preventing them fromdirect contact and feedback fromworld experts. Conferences are always a highlight in a student’s life and offer opportunities to get a better feel for the field, meet potential employers, and receive guidance on career options. As one solution, I started a new model of interactive, virtual sessions at my university to expose students to the real world. Likewise, Charles Kay, FASM (ASB Industries/HRC), challenged TSS leaders to provide a short-term solution to this dilemma for graduate students in the thermal spray community, with a longer-term goal of continuing to offer them the best training environment possible to reach their career objectives. With the overwhelming support of ASM and ASM/TSS members André McDonald, FASM (University of Alberta, Canada), William Lenling, FASM, TSS-HoF (Thermal Spray Technologies Inc.), Rogerio Lima (National Research Council of Canada), and Jeanelle Harden (ASM events manager), the TSS Open Mic Series was created. The main objective is to ensure that students have direct access to thermal spray world leaders not only to receive science and engineering updates, but more importantly to learn about their views of our industry and how to better prepare to enter the workforce. Once a month, the TSS Open Mic Series welcomes a world expert who shares their field experience and vision and provides tips and guidance to attendees. The 10-15 minute presentation is followed by a Q&A session that aims to mimic exchanges that would normally occur between talks at an in-person conference session. The goal is to promote a relaxed discussion and exchange of information at both the technical and non-technical level. Dr. Christopher Berndt, FASM, TSS-HoF (Swinburne University of Technology, Australia), introduced the series with a talk in which he shared guidelines that have served him well, alongwith some tough lessons and advice on living a balanced life. (Surf’s up!) At the second Open Mic event, Dr. Sanjay Sampath, FASM, TSS-HoF (Stony Brook University), provided a thorough historical review on thermal spray with key advice to students about the importance of knowing what has already been done in order to build on it and move technology forward. In the third talk, Dr. Y.C. Lau, TSS-HoF (General Electric), delivered a comprehensive review on thermal barrier coatings along with his vision of the future for thermal spray. While primarily designed for graduate students, the first three Open Mics were attended by thermal sprayers in both academia and industry, frommore than 34 countries, confirming that the series is filling a need. For this first year, talks are scheduled once a month through June. We invite everyone to register for free at tss.asminternational.org and join us to learn and exchange with our students. We hope to “see you” at the next one. Prof. Bertrand Jodoin University of Ottawa, Canada Jodoin “ SEEKING NOMINATIONS FOR THERMAL SPRAY HALL OF FAME The Thermal Spray Hall of Fame, established in 1993 by the Thermal Spray Society of ASM International, recognizes and honors outstanding leaders who have made significant contributions to the science, technology, practice, education, management, and advancement of thermal spray. For a copy of the rules, nomination form, and list of previous recipients, visit tss.asminternational.org or contact maryanne.jerson@ asminternational.org. Nominations are due September 30. 2 SOLICITING STUDENT MEMBERS FOR TSS BOARD The ASM Thermal Spray Society is seeking applicants for the two student board member positions. Students must be a registered undergraduate or graduate during the 2021-2022 academic year and must be studying or involved in research in an area closely related to the field of thermal spray technology. For more information on the eligibility and benefits of this position, visit tss.asminternational.org. Nominations are due by April 30. EDITORIAL