
A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | A P R I L 2 0 2 1 2 6 industrial process, more as a way of interpreting the universe and creating offerings to their gods. Archaeometallurgical study shows the influence of migration and European settlement in the area. ~AM&P Acknowledgments The author wants to especially thank the staff of the Natural Museum of San Rafael, Mendoza, Argentina for allowing the study of these historical-heritage assets. This research study is part of the Border Archaeometallurgy Project (MATUNME code 004308) developed at the Metallurgy Laboratory, National Technological University, Faculty Mendoza Regional. For more information: Patricia S. Carrizo, chemical engineering and archaeometallurgy specialist, National Technological University, Argentina, patricia.carrizo@frm.utn.edu.ar. References 1. N.E. Sosa Morales, Historia de un Pueblo La Villa Vieja [History of a Town Village The Old], Serie Libros Nº1, Museo de Historia Natural, Dirección Municipal de Cultura, San Rafael, Pro-vincia de Mendoza, Argentina, 1979. 2. H. Lagiglia, Hacha insignia ceremonial de bronce Santamariana hallada en Mendoza [Santamariana bronze ceremonial insignia axe found in Mendoza], Actas Jornadas de Arqueología del Noroeste, Buenos Aires, Universidad del Salvador, p 74-84, 1979. 3. R. Campbell, Entre el Vergel y la Platería Mapuche: El Trabajo de los Metales en la Araucanía Post Contacto (1550-1850 D.C.) [Between the Vergel and the Mapuche Silverware: Metalworking in Post-contact Araucanía (1550-1850 A.D.)], 2004. 4. J. Antinao, Sociedad y Cosmovisión en la Platería Mapuche [Society and Cosmovision in Mapuche Silverware]. Universidad Católica de Temuco, Temuco, Chile, 2010. 5. H. Lechtman, Reflexiones Sobre la Metalurgia de América. EnMetalurgia de la América Precolombina [Reflections on the Metallurgy of America. In Metallurgy of Pre-Columbian America], p. 301-306. Memorias 45º Congreso Internacional de Americanistas. Banco Popular, Bogotá, Colombia, 1988. 6. M. Hansen, Constitution of Binary Alloys, Metallurgy and Metallurgical Series. Mac Graw-Hill Book. Segunda Edición, 1958. 7. L. González, Bronce Bajo el sol. Metalurgia Prehispánica en el Noroeste Argentino [Bronze under the Sun. PreHispanic Metallurgy in the Argentine Northwest], pp. 97-131. En: Masked Histories. Editores. Stenberg, P. y Muñoz, A., Etnologiska Studier 43, Gotemburgo, 1999. 8. Antinao, J.: op. cit., 2010ASM Handbook, Volume 9: Metallography and Microstructures, ASM International, 2004. 9. ASM Handbook, Volume 2: Properties and Selection: Nonferrous Alloys and Special-purpose Materials, ASM International, 1990. Patricia Silvana Carrizo prompted the formation of the Archaeometallurgy Community and has been leading its efforts. GET ENGAGED, GET INVOLVED, GET CONNECTED Join the conversation about historic metals. The archaeometallurgy community on ASM Connect is very active and welcomes new participants. Recent discussions include metallurgy during the Iron Age, pigment analysis, misconceptions in archaeometallurgy, and a call for papers to present at IMAT 2021. Visit the ASM Connect home page at connect.asminternational. org, search for the Archaeometallurgy Committee, and get into the conversation!