
HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 0 7 8 VISIT THE CAREER HUB Matching job seekers to employers just got easier with ASM International’s CareerHub. After logging on to the ASM website, job seekers can upload a resume and do searches on hiring companies for free. Advanced searching allows filtering based on various aspects of materials science, e.g., R&D, failure analysis, lab environment, and manufacturing. Employers and suppliers can easily post jobs and set up pre-screen criteria to gain access to highly qualified, profes- sional job seekers around the globe. For more information, visit . Glenn Daehn (right) is the Mars G. Fontana Professor of Metallurgical Engineering at The Ohio State University. Ohio and enabling the development of very energy efficient vehicles with superior performance. Earlier this year, Daehn was recognized among the 20 most influential professors in smart manufacturing. IN MEMORIAM Word has been received at ASMHeadquarters of the death of Life Member Philip J. Reucroft, FASM, of Lexington, Ky. He passed away on April 16 and was a member of the ASM Bluegrass Chapter. Rohatgi Receives IAAM Scientist Award Pradeep Rohatgi, FASM, State of Wisconsin and UWM Distinguished Pro- fessor, materials science & engineering, mechanical engineering, biomedical engineering, was selected for his con- tribution to advanced materials sci- ence. IAAM is a non-profit international scientific research organization active in the world of advanced materials. On July 15, Rohatgi presented his IAAM award lecture, “50 Years of Cast Metal Matrix Composites and Future Prospects.” The applications of lightweight composites he devel- oped are leading to savings of large amounts of energy in transportation systems. He also serves as the founding Director of the UWM Centers for Composites and the Cen- ter for Advanced Materials Manufacture and he serves as the chief technology officer of Intelligent Composites LLC, a start-up company that manufactures cast metal matrix com- posites. Rohatgi has been a consultant to the World Bank and the United Nations on materials and energy policy for a sustainable world. Rohatgi MEMBERS IN THE NEWS