
HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 0 7 1 MD CORNER Aderhold Volunteers Connecting One of the things I admire most about ASM is the vast network of excep- tional people who are our members and their willingness to volunteer their time and energy to help enhance the ASM community. Our members are vol- unteering within chapters, on projects, committees, webinars, and at technical events. For example, at the end of Octo- ber, we held a smaller virtual version of our International Materials, Applications, & Technologies Conference, or “IMAT – The Virtual Edition.” We had a tre- mendous set of volunteers including co-chairs Jim Cotton and Luc Pouliot, IMAT Organizing Committee, ASM Program Committee, Affiliates, keynote speakers, presenters, moder- ators, ASM operations team, and many others who helped make it a big success. We had almost 1200 people attend including 33% from our international members! Last year we launched ASM Connect to help mem- bers communicate and collaborate with each other. Activity on the site is growing rapidly and at any one time we have dozens of different discussions and collaborations happen- ing. Recently we launched the ASM Volunteer Center to make it easy for members to find volunteer opportunities that fit their interests, expertise, and schedule. The Volun- teer Center is one of the main headings on ASM Connect. If you haven’t seen it, check it out at https://connect.asm Another area that our members are volunteering in is forming new Technical Committees. As people interact on the ASM Connect online forum, they are connecting with other members of similar interests. As interest builds, we can form a new technical community. The Residual Stress Committee formed recently and there is growing interest in Women in Electronics Failure Analysis (WEFA) and in Archaeo- metallurgy. We also have several long-standing committees that many members volunteer for including committees on new and emerging technologies, ASM Handbooks, Phase Diagrams, and many others. To get involved, spend time participating in the online discussions. If there is a commu- nity that you think should be formed, post some questions, start a dialogue, and see if other members are interested. If they are, champion a committee and help it grow. As always, my main focus is helping members get more value from ASM. If you have any thoughts or ideas, please contact me at . I look forward to hearing from you. Ron Aderhold Acting Managing Director, ASM International Certificate of Achievement in Metallography Congratulations to Sarah M. Graham, associate technician, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, for re- cently earning an ASM Certificate of Achievement in Metallography, which required completion of a nine-course program. The ASM Education Depart- ment is pleased to feature her here. MypathtoOakRidgeNational Lab- oratory is a nonlinear one. After many years working in the service industry, I decided to return to school hoping to find something more fulfilling, more excit- ing—frankly, more challenging. While working towards an associate’s degree in computer science technology, I was fortunate to be offered an internship with the Carbon and Composites group at ORNL primarily doing microscopy and mechanical testing. I was hooked! One opportunity led to another and I found myself helping establish a new metal- lography lab and characterization center at the Manufactur- ing Demonstration Facility (MDF). The MDF is a user facility focused on performing early- stage research and development to improve the energy and material efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness of American manufacturers. In my role as a characterization technician, the time I spent at ASM Headquarters quickly expanded my capabil- ities in all areas of materialography; particularly, Practical Interpretation of Microstructures with Frauke Hogue and Practical Fractography with Dave Christie have proven to be invaluable for my work. As a younger technician in this field, mentorship and networking through ASM International has been beneficial and I look forward to visiting the Dome once again. Seeking Applications for SMST Founders’ Grant The International Organization on Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies (SMST), an affiliate society of ASM International, is seeking applications for the 2021 SMST Founders’ Grant. The intent of the SMST Founders’ Grant is to provide funding for early, exploratory research related to shape memory and superelasticity. It is expected that the funds will be used as a “seed grant,” used to test a concept and lay a foundation for obtaining further fund- ing from industry or government agencies. The grant, which was endowed in 2019 by Dr. T.W. Duerig, FASM, includes a stipend up to $50,000 across two years. Deadline to apply is January 15, 2021 . For more information visit: or contact . Graham MD CORNER