
FEATURE A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 0 5 7 RESÉNDEZ WINS 2020 ASM HTS/BODYCOTE BEST PAPER IN HEAT TREATING AWARD The winner of the 2020 ASM HTS/Bodycote Best Paper in Heat Treating Award is entitled, “The ef- fect of probe-fluid interaction on the performance of standard probes for cooling curve analysis in agitat- ed quenchants” by Roberto Cruces Reséndez, a Ph.D. student at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. The ASM Heat Treating Society established the Best Paper in Heat Treating Award in 1997 to recognize a paper that represents advancement in heat treating technology, promotes heat treating in a substan- tial way, or represents a clear advancement in managing the business of heat treating. The award includes a plaque and $2500 cash prize endowed by Bodycote Thermal Pro- cess-North America. HEAT TREATING SOCIETY SEEKS BOARD NOMINATIONS The HTS Awards and Nominations Committee is seek- ing nominations for a vice president, a secretary, three directors, a student board member, and an emerging professional board member. Candidates must be an HTS member in good standing. Nominations should be made on the formal nomination form and can be submitted by a chapter, council, committee, HTS member, or an affiliate society. The HTS Awards and Nominations Committee may consider any HTS member, even those who have served on the HTS Board previously. Nominations for board mem- bers are due February 1, 2021. For more information and the nomination form, vis- it the HTS website at and click on Membership and Networking and then Board Nomina- tions; or contact Mary Anne Jerson at maryanne.jerson@ . SOLICITING PAPERS FOR ASM HTS/BODYCOTE BEST PAPER IN HEAT TREATING CONTEST The ASM HTS/Bodycote award was established by HTS in 1997 to recognize a paper that represents advance- ment in heat treating technology, promotes heat treating in a substantial way, or represents a clear advancement in managing the business of heat treating. The award is en- dowed by Bodycote Thermal Process-North America. The contest is open to all students, in full-time or part- time education, at universities (or their equivalent) or col- HEAT TREATING SOCIETY NEWS 4 HTS NAMES OFFICERS AND NEW BOARD MEMBERS Heat Treating Society (HTS) president Eric Hutton , vice president operations, aerospace/defense east region, Bodycote, and HTS vice president Lesley Frame , assistant professor, University of Connecticut, welcome the follow- ing new member to the HTS board for a three-year term: Steven Ferdon , director of engineering technology, Cum- mins Inc. Chuck Faulkner , commercial development man- ager-heat treatment, Quaker Houghton, and Marc Glasser , director of metallurgical services, Rolled Alloys, were reap- pointed for a second three-year term. HTS immediate past president, James Oakes , vice president of business devel- opment, Super Systems Inc. and secretary, Robert Cry- derman , research associate professor, Colorado School of Mines remains on the board. Michael Brant , metallurgical engineer, Contour Hard- ening Inc. was reappointed emerging professional board member and Rodolfo Garcia , Instituto Tecnologico de Morelia, was appointed student board member. Both are one-year appointments. 3 Hutton Glasser Brant Garcia Frame Ferdon Faulkner Oakes Cryderman Reséndez